Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Legalism, Taoism and Confucianism Essay
Every one of the three most compelling philosophical ways of thinking for example legalism, Taoism and Confucianism begin from a similar principle of harmony and accord in the Chinese society specifically and in world when all is said in done. However, their procedures and philosophical courses to accomplish this goal are unique. Legalism recommend a solid and focal political body as solution for all the ailments of contemporary Chinese society while Taoism and Confucianism don't support a solid political substance  and fortify the thoughts of individual opportunity and social attachment.  â â â â â â â â â â The tenet of legalism accepts that severe laws and correctional measures are preconditions for a solid focal government that can get harmony and flourishing the general public. This principle depends on the presumption that human instinct is irredeemably pernicious and is inclined to create clashes. These contentions hurt the social union and create frenzy and confusion in the network. That is the explanation that solid laws and disciplines can make them (individuals) in arrangement with necessities of the political substance.  â â â â â â â â â â In all out difference to Legalism, Taoism and Confucianism are of the view that human instinct is established of good ideals. Taoism was legitimately restricted to the fundamentals of Legalism and had confidence in a nearby relationship among man and nature. They further fortify that nature is temperate basically and mean at accomplishing more prominent solidarity and all inclusive association. They see man-made laws as counterfeit and transient that has constrained life. So Taoist are against Legalism and accepted that these were manufactured to serve the personal stake of the rulers and they don't have anything to do with the benefit of everyone of the individuals. This fundamental contrast between the philosophical standards drives the Taoist to defy the set up social examples as they thought of it as an instrument to sustain the system of the tyrannical rulers.  â â â â â â â â â â Confucianism is viewed as a justification of these two limits for example legalism and Taoism. Confucianism neither put stock in the possibility of brutal disciplines, indifferent laws and cruel standards toward the mass nor it offered endorsement to total individual opportunity of thought and activity as it would prompt articulate political agitation. Confucianism received an equidistant methodology between the two limits and proliferated a way of thinking dependent on the wonderful mix of individual needs and social needs. Confucianism filled in as a harmony between the extraordinary centralization of intensity and oppression of masses as exemplified in Legalism and the articulate bedlam made by without a doubt the individualistic methodology of Taoism.  â â â â â â â â â â Legalism was a progressed political framework while Taoism was slanted toward primitivism. Taoism strengthened the possibility of an individual and individual response to the commonplace and complex social issues. As indicated by its fundamental statute of Tao (way), human instinct can locate its own particular manner out of many. So it discredited the planned laws and built up social examples. Emotional decisions were made by the necessities of the events. For the most part these decisions depended on the antiquated lessons and conventional standards with outsized individual watchfulness. In complete difference to Taoism, Legalism set up a total code of laws and they (Legalists) were carefully clung to these laws. Rather than individual carefulness or emotional translation, decisions were made by composed laws. This attribute of Legalism made it the most progressive way of thinking of antiquated China as contrasted and Taoism.  â â â â â â â â â â rather than previously mentioned ways, Confucianism recommended another way for example to get social agreement through social union of people with the general public itself. It dealt with individuals’ needs just as the socio-political requirements. To Confucius, society was not a negligible assortment of individual but rather is has other inner and outer measurements. Inside, it is the generous gadget that shape our convictions and mentalities while on the outer skyline, it applies and keeps up pressures from the general public to encourage adjustment to the previously mentioned aggregate convictions and perspectives. Confucius saw society as a different and recognized unit. It is a substance free of people. This contention obviously shows that social realities for example standards, qualities and organizations, have their free presence and are not continued by singular activities however people respond to them. Confucius additionally recommends that individual wants are desires are boundless and singular craves after to an ever increasing extent. This characteristic unquenchability produces singular inclinations in people. So as to control these inclinations society functions as a regulative power. Frederick Cheung has thoroughly summarized the distinctions and likenesses in the teachings of these significant ways of thinking of Chinese history along these lines; On the off chance that we look into the three schools of considerations on â€Å"individual opportunity and control;†we would find that Taoism was incredibly free, while Legalism was amazingly exacting (a sort of authoritarian control) with Confucianism in the center (the brilliant methods or moderation).â On political hypothesis and ideas of progress, Legalism was the most developed and coordinating to the future; while Taoism was traditionalist and coming back to the crude nature; with again Confucianism in the middle.â Indeed, balance and equalization were maybe the significant purposes behind the inevitable triumph of Confucianism in conventional Chinese history.â (p.3) References Cheung, Frederick. (2006). The Legacy of Ancient China: The Intellectual Foundations †Legalism, Taoism, and Confucianism. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Site: <<http. ihome.cuhk.edu.hk/~s050326/legalismtaoismconf.doc>>
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sarbanes Oxley Research Paper Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sarbanes Oxley Paper - Research Proposal Example The speculator of value and currency markets were under overwhelming investigation and speculator had lost trust in the responsibility and honesty of the budgetary information coming out on everyday schedule from the open partnerships enlisted in the monetary markets, for example, NYSE and NASDAQ. Congress and the Security and Exchange commission mediated in the circumstance by making another budgetary guideline called the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002. The Sarbanes Oxley Act reason for existing was to expand speculator certainty by transforming bookkeeping practices to improve responsibility, inspector autonomy, inward controls, and official obligation to guarantee money related extortion at the official degree of open organizations was got deserving of prison time (Aicpa, 2008). This report investigations business consistence, the Sarbanes Oxley Act and its moral ramifications. The two congressmen who made the standards and ideas of the Sarbanes-Oxley system were Paul Sarbanes and Michael Oxley. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act covers various issues which are orchestrated into eleven titles (Soxlaw, 2006). Out of the eleven titles six of them manage business consistence. The five most powerful pieces of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 are areas 302, 401, 404, 409 and 502. Area 302 arrangements with the subject of corporate obligation of money related reports. The Act commanded a progression of new accreditation concerning recently discharged budgetary reports of open companies. A portion of the new affirmation conventions incorporated the mark of the CEO which this individual at risk in the event of monetary extortion, data in regards to interior controls, and new examiner reports to guarantee there were no false proclamation, material oversight and that the reports were introduced in reasonable way (Soxlaw, 2006). Area 401 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act adds to the believability of fiscal reports by upgrading the money related revelations. One of the key
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Getting Through a Difficult Month
Getting Through a Difficult Month March was the busiest month at MIT so far. It truly felt like it was never going to end. It seemed like all my midterms were clustering on the same week, and in some cases the same day, and I felt overwhelmed beyond belief. Now, as Spring Break comes to close, and the month of April has arrived, I feel ready for the next two months of school before the summer break. So, with second semester in full swing, I had about 5 midterms in March, a presentation that accounted for 30% of my grade, and what felt like the largest amount of homework in existence. My classes have split into two categories, and the amount I spend on each category is extremely different. For me, I spend the mass majority of my time on my Physics and Real Analysis class. Both of them are extremely interesting to me, but they are my most challenging to courses at the same time. Last week, I had my first analysis midterm. Coming into the class, I heard some pretty sad stories about midterm averages, so I was definitely concerned about taking the test after learning a very large bulk of the material that was all fair game to be tested on. Luckily, that week prior and weekend, I spent a large portion of my time studying and asking questions in office hours that made me go into the exam with a lot more confidence than I thought I would have. That Real Analysis exam really changed the way I viewed tests and the way I felt before exams in the preparation period. Sure, I had felt a little anxious before an exam before as just about anyone does, but for the first time, I truly was scared I was going to royally mess something up on the day of the test. I thought I was going to forget a technique, or I was going to panic and not be able to produce some counterexample that when I was studying haunted me! I really for the first time was pushing myself to spend countless hours studying for a test that truth be told, I haven’t necessarily had to do before. In the end, the month was stressful because of time. Sure, if I only had to deal with Real Analysis, which feels like 48 units of class sometimes, it would be a lot more manageable, but I have four other classes in reality. The biggest life lesson that I took out of this month is time management when things started popping out that aren’t part of your schedule. In my last few posts, I have shown my schedule and talked about managing full plates, but the office hours, independent time devoted to studying, that is really at the student’s discretion. There were a lot of time where I wanted to stop doing some of my schoolwork to watch The Office or bike, but I had to plan accordingly, so I could do as good as possible on my exams and make sure I was learning material. It is, in the big picture to me, a tradeoff. In comparison to last semester, I am learning more, I feel much more motivated, and feel like I’m improving as a person both in and out of the classroom. At the same time, I have less “free-timeâ€, but I made up for a lot of the busy time during this extremely rewarding Spring Break. Like, right now, my family is here, and we have been all over Boston these past few days! I got to try all new restaurants, explore all new sites that were less than a mile from campus which attests to the fact that there is literally so much that can be done in terms of this city, and got to have a much-needed week off from the hustle and bustle of classes, research, and tutoring. I have a good feeling about April, and all my weekends coming up have something exciting in them! CPW is in two weeks. I can’t wait to see all the incoming students and experience the crazy weekend not as a pre-frosh this time. Well, all that in the upcoming weeks. For now, I have to play an April Fool’s Joke on someone :) Post Tagged #18.100 Real Analysis #8.02 Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
Friday, May 22, 2020
Macbeth Essay - 856 Words
2012 MacBeth 5 Paragraph Essay A Tragic Tale of Ambition A Play By: William Shakespeare ENG-3UR As Shakespeare s tale of tragic ambition Macbeth progresses, Lady Macbeth undergoes a metamorphosis moving from a stable, loving wife, into a power hungry woman driven to madness by her own obsession for complete control. Although when the question who is ultimately responsible for Duncan s death is asked, many will point the finger at Lady Macbeth. While she played a role in manipulating and deceiving Macbeth into committing the first act of evil in the book, we are all given free will and with that it was ultimately his final decision to kill Duncan. In the beginning it started with Macbeth being given the†¦show more content†¦In Act 1 scene 5 when Lady Macbeth says Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty (Shakespeare, I,V,41-44)! She was asking for them to make her strong, to take away her morality and in its place leave pure cruelty. When Macbeth finally returned home to his wife she already had a plan to kill Duncan so that Macbeth would be king and more importantly she would be queen. As much as Macbeth tried to plea with his wife not to kill the king, that they had what they needed and the king had just recently honoured him by giving him the title of Thane of Cawdor. However no words could change her mind. It was not until she questioned his manly hood by saying in Act 1 scene 7 What beast was t then that made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man; and, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man (Shakespeare I,VII,53-57). At this point Macbeth felt like he had no other choice but to please his wife, so he agreed to the plot to assassinate Duncan and with that threw away any morality he had left in him. While Lady Macbeth might have been the driving force behind the assassination, it was ultimately Macbeth who chose to kill Duncan. While it might not have been clear in the beginning he had a deeper thirst for power than his wife which is prominent inShow MoreRelatedMacbeth Essays : Macbeth 1064 Words  | 5 PagesMacbeth Analytical Essay In life, there are two types of people: those who do the right thing and those who don’t. In the play Macbeth, by Shakespeare, the main character Macbeth is given a prophecy by three witches that says he will become king; however, there is no descending line of kings of his own blood. With the knowledge of the Witches’ prophecy, Macbeth’s ambition, and manipulation from his wife, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth is quickly dragged into a never-ending, bloody murder rampage to obtainRead MoreMacbeth Essay819 Words  | 4 PagesMacbeth Essay In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, Macbeth undergoes many psychological tribulations. There is no doubt that he is insane, but the specifics of his conditions help explain the peculiarities of the play. Macbeth’s character was perhaps the culmination of all the psychological disorders known at Shakespeare’s day. He experienced disorders such as split personality, schizophrenia, and post traumatic stress. These disorders could be caused by stress on the battlefield and a poor spousalRead MoreMacbeth Essay1706 Words  | 7 PagesCorradi ENG 3UE-01 Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 The Demise of Noble Macbeth Credited as one of William Shakespeare’s bloodiest and darkest works, The Tragedy of Macbeth is an emotionally tense, gripping play about loyalty, betrayal and ambition. Blinded by his vaulting ambition and encouraged by his wife, Macbeth attempted to remove the obstacles preventing him from being king; these obstacles happened to be other characters in the play. Macbeth accepted the prophecies of witches as a guide for what wouldRead More The Guilt of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay814 Words  | 4 PagesThe Guilt of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Guilt is a very strong and uncomfortable feeling that often results from one’s own actions. This strong emotion is one of the theme ideas in William Shakespeare, â€Å"Macbeth†. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth feel guilt, but they react in different ways. Guilt hardens Macbeth, but cause Lady Macbeth to commit suicide. As Macbeth shrives to success guilt overcome’s Macbeth where he can no longer think straight. Initially Macbeth planned was to kill Duncan but itRead More The Guilt of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay1709 Words  | 7 Pages     Characters in the Shakespearean tragedy Macbeth scarcely feel guilt - with two exceptions: Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. In this essay lets consider their guilt-problem. In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson comments regarding the guilt of the protagonist: It is a subtler thing which constitutes the chief fascination that the play exercises upon us - this fear Macbeth feels, a fear not fully defined, for him or for us, a terrible anxiety that is a sense ofRead MoreComparing Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Essay1845 Words  | 8 PagesA Comparison of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth  To understand Shakespeare’s tragic play, Macbeth it is necessary to fully comprehend the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The differences between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are profound. Over the course of the play, Shakespeare skillfully changes the role of the two characters. Macbeth is frightened at the beginning then confident at the end while Lady Macbeth confident at the beginning and frightened at the end. At the beginning of theRead More Macbeth Essay3374 Words  | 14 Pages Macbeth is an epic tragedy inspiring pity and remorse because the hero, though flawed, is also shown to be human. The play portrays a journey of self-discovery and awareness as both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth pass from happiness to misery. Their punishment is well deserved but the retributive price is enormous. Evil, both internal and external corrupts their minds, distorting their positive traits and exaggerating their worst. Both fall victim to ‘vaulting ambition’, pride and greed, tempting themRead MoreEssay on The Character of Macbeth from Macbeth1960 Words  | 8 PagesMacbeth from Macbeth      In William Shakespeares tragedy Macbeth we find a guilt and fear-ridden usurper of the throne of Scotland. Let us study this character in this essay.  A.C. Bradley in Shakespearean Tragedy paints a portrait of Macbeth:  Macbeth, the cousin of a King mild, just, and beloved, but now too old to lead his army, is introduced to us as a general of extraordinary prowess, who has covered himself with glory in putting down a rebellion and repelling theRead MoreEssay about Macbeth1001 Words  | 5 PagesShakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’? The first time we hear the statement is very early in the play when the witches say the exact line quot;Fair is foul, and foul is fairquot; only for Macbeth himself to repeat it very closely two scenes later. This repetition of the lines shows me that the characters themselves believe that there are many foul events taking place. In this essay I will endeavour to prove that the above statement doesn’t express ‘Macbeth’ thoroughly. Firstly I will show the fair Macbeth himselfRead MoreEssay on Lady Macbeth1109 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout the tragedy of Macbeth we observe two people on their attempt to gain power and glory through various foul actions. It can be argued that Lady Macbeth is the one responsible for triggering a slippage into this inevitable situation that led to their descent. From the moment Macbeth became aware of his â€Å"fate†Lady Macbeth started forming her own imaginary world in which her evil plans seemed likely to be effective. The thought of she and her husband being royalty makes her dismiss rationality
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Personal Essay about Yourself Samples for High School - the Conspiracy
Personal Essay about Yourself Samples for High School - the Conspiracy When many schools encourage creativity in regards to crafting your own personal statement, it is necessary to incorporate best writing practices to guarantee a piece that is simple to read, thorough, and engaging. Well being Despite your best efforts, there might be times when you're just not able to pursue your ends. Instead, mention the way your education can assist your career. You may need to call the teacher at the start of the year to learn her expectations. If you're applying to multiple art schools, it might be tempting to use the identical application or private essay. Regardless of what's the goal of your essay, there's a preset number of points which you will be expected to tackle. Some forms of programs also need regular secondary students to extend a personal statement for a component of their application. It's evident that most students find it challenging to submit completely free error sa mple essay for financial need scholarship since mostly they give plagiarized content only because they copy the specific information found on the web. If that's the case, advanced analysis is done in order to separate two profiles from the very same sample. If you wish to get high high quality research and thesis papers punctually and for an affordable price, you should probably attempt using EssaySupply.com. Follow sample after comprehending its significance so you can find with functional resume in 1 shot. The general format of your essay including the font dimensions and margins will solely rely on the instructions provided to you. There are many ways to obtain new info. Thus, you don't need to fret about your private information whenever you order with us. The other information is going to be implied. Find someone who you feel comfortable and qualified letting revise your private statement and provide it to them. If you discover that you can't seem to set your feelings into words, listed here are several crucial components to put in your eulogy. So because you can see, the registration procedure is extremely easy and understandable, so there aren't any conundrums or trick to do that correctly. As a consequence, likelihood to receive shortlisted for the next round of job search gets high. Allocate the term count as you want. Keeping your writing personal and true only increases the passion, something which admissions teams often search for in an art student. Keep in mind t here are possibly dozens and hundreds of different applicants and just a small proportion of them is going to make it to the admission. Folks have a tendency to pick out a variety of themes of who they are and attempt to describe all of them. Scholarship essays shouldn't be considered a burden since they are your gateway to land entrance into a prestigious university with plenty of benefits and perks that have the scholarship. The college would like to know about you. That means you can order for our high school scholarship essay examples without needing to fret about your private information. Thus, State University isn't only the ideal location for me, it is the sole spot for me. Introductory paragraphs should not be too long. If you successfully determine the goal of language essay than you ought to make certain that the subject of language essay should fit in the goal. Constructing a prosperous introduction, you should tell the importance of the topic. There are three main forms of personal essays, and we can determine each by its goal. You should also obtain anti-plagiarism software to discover whether your content is 100% original. Today, there are several sources a student can depend on for an illustration of a personal essay. General overview would consist of information that's covering the topic for language essay for a whole while specific overview will just speak about particular problems. You could also use the introduction to supply the reader a fundamental roadmap so they can understand the way your statement is designed to flow. Your own personal statement ought to be exactly that personal. If your solution is less that 7 you will probably not follow this up completely.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Babel Essy Free Essays
Pain of Loss Imagine yourself without the ability to hear anything, how would your life be compared to how it is now? The deaf are incredible people because they lack the capability of hearing and that can alter the way of communication if they also cannot speak. Even with all these disabilities, they find other ways to communicate using symbols and handwriting. Babel is an award winning movie that displays diversity. We will write a custom essay sample on Babel Essy or any similar topic only for you Order Now They have scenes from Morocco, Japan, Mexico and the United States. Chieko Wataya is one of the main characters in that movie. She is a deaf Japanese girl who has been issing her sense of hearing since she was a child. In Babel, Chieko shows feelings of helplessness, being inadequate and experiences the loss of control throughout the movie. First off, Chieko is missing her sense of hearing which can lead to her feeling helpless. She experiences something horrifying that no one should, by her finding her mother’s dead body with a bullet straight to her cranium. Having that said, she is left with her with her who is always busy. She feels as if her dad does not pay much attention to her even though he is trying his best. An inattentive father can cause feelings of neglect and psychological issues in the future if she is left isolated. With her given situation, she becomes a helpless emotional person. It seems as though her disability to speak and hear has driven her life off the edge sanity. Since Chieko is not an average girl, love is hard to find to her. With her dad always working and not giving her enough attention, she seeks attention somewhere else, which is from her friends and men she does not even know. The inability to speak and hear is majorly ffecting her life and it makes her feel nothing other than helpless. Chieko’s hard life can also make her feel in adequate. While trying to have fun and meeting boys, her friend and her go out to a club called â€Å"I-pop. †During her time there, she is very flirtatious to boys she finds attracting and they give her smiles as a reactions, as if approve of her. Eventually a boy comes and notices her while she plays an arcade game. Girls do not usually play video games, so she could have done this as a call for attention. It took Chieko a while to notice him because she is deaf. The boy is probably wondering if she can even hear him. When she finally notices him, the boy said hi to her. The only probable is that he did not know that Chieko was deaf and incapable of speaking. When he realizes this about her, he Just walks away from her uninterested. As he is walking away from her, she did not seem surprised as if she was used to those kinds of actions. Her self-esteem must be low due to the fact that she cannot speak or hear. She results in a desperate move to get other guys attention by taking off her underwear and show her private part to other boys. She is willing to do this because she thinks she cannot find love any other way. She thinks so low of herself that she offers herself as an item to men and nothing else. These impairments of her senses make her feel that she is not good enough for anybody. Chieko’s lack of senses and the events happening in her life has caused her to experience a loss of control. After witnessing her friend kiss the boy she admires, she feels like she is betrayed. It seemed as though the world around her was falling apart because sne stands stil I in a club while people around ner were dancing This is one of the mains causes to lose her self-control. After she witnesses her friend betray her, Chieko decides to call detective Kenji Mamiya as an act of the loss of self-control. She started telling him a sympathetic story about how her mother died. Chieko lies about her mother’s death saying that she Jumped off the thirty story balcony, but in reality, she had shot herself in the head. That lie is said was possibly the action she was going to do herself as an act of suicide. She mentions this as an attempt to make the detective sorry for her. As the detective is leaving, she tells him to wait and she goes to another room. When she came back, the detective has a shocked looked on his face to see her being fully naked. Chieko tries to seduce the detective as a final attempt to make herself feel happy, but Mr. Mamiya rejects her knowing that she is too young. She eventually realizes her actionsto him and apologizes for it. The loss of control with her emotions has caused her to do these extreme actions only because of the hard life she is living. In the end, feeling helplessness and inadequate has caused Chieko to lose control f herself. As she realizes this, her dad comes home to see her at the balcony. She could have thought of Jumping off to make all her pain go away. She cries and hugs him because she knows she is not truly alone, she has her dad by her side. The absence of her senses has makes her life rough. Speech is not the only way of communication, so Chieko should realize that her life could have been worse. She could have been blind and is not able to see anything. Being deaf may be a hard disability in life, but people can work their way around it. How to cite Babel Essy, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Racial Profiling in Airports Essays - Offender Profiling
Racial Profiling in Airports What is racial profiling? Racial profiling is a form racism that focuses on certain racial groups. Since 9/11 there have been certain groups of people that have been focused on while in airports. Random searches do work; racial profiling helps identify people who know attacked the U.S., and keep people safe. On the other hand, there are people who would disagree with these arguments. They would say that racial profiling is ineffective, random searches do not work, and is discriminatory. Racial profiling is the most effective tool that is used to prevent another attack; however, racial profiling should only be used as a security measure only in airports. Racial profiling in airports is effective because random searches do work. Random searches work because they have the potential to stop not only foreign terrorists but also domestic terrorists from attacking airports. With the attacks on September 11, random searches can be used to screen more people who have intentions of harming innocent people. "Understanding the nature of the threat is the first step in the process of determining the best way to mitigate it" ( Pistole 1of 4). In the same way random searches helps and makes sure that passengers, planes, and airports will protected from any terrorist attacks or bombers. In a sense random searches are good because it can stop a potential terrorist attack and it will make passengers feel safe at airports and while on airplanes. Racial profiling helps identify people who know attacked the U.S. It is not hard to see who attacked us on September 11; all of the evidence points to the Arab community. Spencer writes young Muslim Arab males are responsible for the overwhelming majority of terrorist violence around the world today (1 of 3). Some of the recent attacks that were committed by Arabs are the Madrid train bombers in March 2004, London bombers in 2005. These groups of people are able to do this on a mass scale we need racial profiling more than ever. These people are willing to unthinkable acts to get their message across not matter how much the cost is even if it means that it will cost them their lives and the lives of others. If we are to learn from this , we need to profile any and everybody that fits the description of the people who flew planes into buildings that killed thousands of Americans. How long do we have to wait until profiling can become a security measure in airports, maybe until there is another terrorist attack? Keeping people safe is another reason for racial profiling. We need racial profiling to stop these Muslim Arabs from committing terrorist attacks using airplanes. They are responsible for all of the hijackings that took place on September 11th. All are willing to kill Americans even if it means sacrificing themselves. Last but not least many lived in America for a long time . In order to keep these people in check, airports need the latest technology , "Body scanners such as advanced imaging technology (AIT) machines " ( Ott 1 of 5). This machine is capable of giving the screener an image of a person's body without them having to take all of their clothes off . It shows that the person has no weapons in or around their body that could cause harm to others. Since 9/11 cockpit doors have become more secured that hijackers or anybody else for that matter can get inside and take the plane over. U.S. Marshalls are now on planes to make people feel safer and to diffuse any situation that occurs if one was to come up. Furthermore the one tool that can keep people safe is each other. If every body keeps an eye open for suspicious activity it will make it easier for authorities to keep all of us safe in airports. Not only will these security measures and procedures help cut down on attacks, but also drastically improve airport security. Racial profiling is ineffective because it only focuses on certain group of people instead of every body . To think that all terrorist look a certain way are more likely to be terrorist. A
Friday, March 20, 2020
How an Administrative Job Can Be a Stepping Stone
How an Administrative Job Can Be a Stepping Stone The administrative job can be a great stepping stone to something bigger, whether you are talking about health care jobs, working in an office or in other fields. Because administrative jobs entail multiple duties and can evolve over time, this is the perfect spot to branch out and work your way toward a new career. Successful strategies can work to make a smooth transition and show you the opportunities available before you start checking classified ads for jobs.Examine Your Job DutiesTake a look at your current and past job duties and make a list of your strong points, including your experience and training. For example, suppose you want to go into the communications field. Look at your experience and talents, and list which of those would be applicable in that particular field. If you have extensive knowledge of computer programs, such as Excel and Microsoft Word, can you use this expertise to transition into the vast computer field? Customer relations, financial matters and proje ct coordination may also be a part of your job and can be transitioned into employment in a new area.Look at Your Resume With a Critical EyeThink about what would interest a hiring manager to evolve into your new career, and whether you have the necessary skills you need to move up the ladder. If not, it might be a good time to take a few courses, complete a degree or get the other necessary skills you need to make the move.Make a Plan in AdvanceBe clear about your goal and focus on one, not on several potential jobs that can raise you into a leadership position. Do you want to segway into information or computer management, administrative services, marketing or some other field? Spreading yourself too thin when job hunting can be a mistake. The key is to decide on a field and focus.Write a New ResumeOnce youve targeted the new job you want, rewrite your resume to include applicable skills and experience. Further enhance your resume when you want to put in a job application, so that it reflects both those skills and fulfills the requirements for the job.Provide Examples on Your ResumeA flat resume on the locations you have worked and job duties isnt enough and doesnt truly say how you benefited your previous company. Use examples of how you were an asset to your previous company and how this could transition into the new job. For example, an administrative services manager oversees the smooth operation of a business and directs staff but has many more duties. Use what experience you have to show that you have what it takes to slip easily into the new position.Work on Interview SkillsHaving a great resume for a job helps you get your foot in the door. However, sailing through the interview is necessary to get hired or invited back for a second interview. Practice answering common interview questions and get a family member or friend to help. Pare down the time it takes to respond to questions so your answers are succinct and to the point but cover the informati on you want to convey. Dress appropriately for your interview, and try to present yourself as relaxed and confident.Remember to Clean Out Your Social Media PagesBefore even applying for new jobs, take the time to clean out your social media pages of items you wouldnt want a hiring manager to see, such as profane language or pics of your last out-of-control party. In addition, now is the time to rework your LinkedIn page to include the skills and expertise you want to highlight. Since such a high percentage of employers check social media pages before making an offer, forgetting to update your LinkedIn account can result in the lack of a job offer.Hunting for Your New JobWhen looking for a job to move up the ladder, knowing what to do to make it easier helps. Job hunting in a practical way is also a good idea, instead of depending on job classifieds. TheJobNetwork does your job search for you by sending you email alerts when jobs become available in your chosen field. All you do is f ill out your qualifications and job interests. Sign up with TheJobNetwork to get started.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Frank Gehry, Controversial Canadian-American Architect
Frank Gehry, Controversial Canadian-American Architect Inventive and irreverent architect Frank O. Gehry (born February 28, 1929) changed the face of architecture with his artistic designs realized with high-tech software. Gehry has been surrounded by controversy for most of his career. Using unorthodox materials like corrugated metal, chain link, and titanium, Gehry has created unexpected, twisted forms that break conventions of building design. His work has been called radical, playful, organic, and sensual. Fast Facts: Frank Gehry Known For: Award-winning, controversial architectAlso Known As: Owen Gehry, Ephraim Owen Goldberg, Frank O. GehryBorn: February 28, 1929 in Toronto, Ontario, CanadaParents: Sadie Thelma (nà ©e Kaplanski/Caplan) and Irving GoldbergEducation: University of Southern Californias School of Architecture, Harvard UniversityAwards and Honors: Presidential Medal of Freedom, J. Paul Getty Medal, Harvard Arts Medal, Order of Charlemagne; honorary degrees from many universities, including Oxford, Yale, and PrincetonSpouse(s): Anita Snyder, Berta Isabel AguileraChildren: Alejandro, Samuel, Leslie, BrinaNotable Quote: For me, every day is a new thing. I approach each project with a new insecurity, almost like the first project I ever did. And I get the sweats. I go in and start working, Im not sure where Im going. If I knew where I was going I wouldnt do it. Early Life As a teenager in 1947, Goldberg moved from Canada to Southern California with his Polish-Russian parents. He chose U.S. citizenship when he turned 21. He was traditionally educated at Los Angeles City College and the University of Southern California (USC), with an architecture degree completed in 1954. Frank Goldberg changed his name to Frank Gehry in 1954. This move was encouraged by his first wife, who believed a less-Jewish-sounding name would be easier for their children and better for his career. Gehry served in the U.S. Army from 1954–1956. He then studied city planning on the G.I Bill for one year at Harvard Graduate School of Design before returning to southern California with his family. He went on to reestablish a working relationship with Austria-born architect Victor Gruen, with whom Gehry had worked at USC. After a stint in Paris, Gehry again returned to California and established his Los Angeles-area practice in 1962. From 1952–1966, the architect was married to Anita Snyder, with whom he has two daughters. Gehry divorced Snyder and married Berta Isabel Aguilera in 1975. The Santa Monica house he remodeled for Berta and their two sons has become the stuff of legends. Career Beginnings Early in his career, Frank Gehry designed houses inspired by modern architects such as Richard Neutra and Frank Lloyd Wright. Gehrys admiration of Louis Kahns work influenced his 1965 box-like design of the Danziger House, a studio/residence for designer Lou Danziger. With this work, Gehry started to get noticed as an architect. The 1967 Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Maryland, was the first Gehry structure reviewed by The New York Times. The 1978 remodeling of a 1920s-era bungalow in Santa Monica put Gehry and his new familys private home on the map. As his career expanded, Gehry became known for massive, iconoclastic projects that attracted attention and controversy. The Gehry architecture portfolio includes unique structures such as the 1991 Chiat/Day Binoculars Building in Venice, California, and the 2014 Louis Vuitton Foundation Museum in Paris, France. His most famous museum is the Guggenheim in Bilbao, Spain, the 1997 spectacle that gave Gehrys career its final boost. The iconic Bilbao architecture was constructed with thin sheets of titanium, and it continues to draw fascinated tourists. Color has been added to Gehrys metal exteriors, exemplified by the 2000 Experience Music Project (EMP), now called the Museum of Pop Culture, in Seattle, Washington. Gehrys projects build on one another, and after the Bilbao museum opened to great acclaim, his clients wanted that same look. His most famous concert hall is arguably the 2004 Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, California. He began visualizing with a stone facade in 1989, but the success of the Guggenheim in Spain inspired the California patrons to want what Bilbao had. Gehry is a great fan of music and he has taken on a number of different concert hall projects. Examples include the small Fisher Center for the Performing Arts at Bard College in 2001 at Annandale-on-Hudson in New York, the open-air Jay Pritzker Music Pavillion in 2004 in Chicago, Illinois, and the rather sedate 2011 New World Symphony Center in Miami Beach, Florida. Notable Work Many of Gehrys buildings have become tourist attractions, drawing visitors from around the world. University buildings by Gehry include the 2004 MIT Stata Complex in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the 2015 Dr. Chau Chak Wing Building at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Gehrys first building in Australia. Commercial buildings in New York City include the 2007 IAC Building and the 2011 residential tower called New York By Gehry. Health-related projects include the 2010 Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas, Nevada, as well as the 2003 Maggies Centre in Dundee, Scotland. Furniture: Gehry had success in the 1970s with his line of Easy Edges chairs made from bent laminated cardboard. By 1991, Gehry was using bent laminated maple to produce the Power Play Armchair. These designs are part of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) collection in New York City. In 1989, Gehry designed the Vitra Design Museum in Germany, his first European architectural work. The museums focus is on modern furniture and interior designs. Also in Germany is Gehrys 2005 MARTa Museum in Herford, a town known in the furniture industry. Gehry Designs: Because architecture takes so long to become realized, Gehry often turns to the quick fix of designing smaller products, including jewelry, trophies, and even liquor bottles. From 2003 to 2006, Gehrys partnership with Tiffany Co. released the exclusive jewelry collection that included the sterling silver Torque Ring. In 2004, the Canada-born Gehry designed a trophy for the international World Cup of Hockey tournament. Also in 2004, Gehry designed a twisty vodka bottle for Wyborowa Exquisite. In the summer of 2008, Gehry took on the annual Serpentine Gallery Pavilion at Kensington Gardens in London. Career Highs and Lows Between 1999 and 2003, Gehry designed a new museum for Biloxi, Mississippi, the Ohr-OKeefe Museum of Art. The project was under construction when Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005 and pushed a casino barge into the glittering steel walls. The slow process of rebuilding began years later. Gehrys most famous low, however, may have been the burning reflection from the completed Disney Concert Hall, which impacted both neighbors and passers-by. Gehry fixed it but claimed it was not his fault. Throughout his long career, Frank O. Gehry has been honored with countless awards and honoraria for individual buildings and for him as an architect. Architectures highest honor, the Pritzker Architecture Prize, was awarded to Gehry in 1989. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) recognized his work in 1999 with the AIA Gold Medal. Former President Barack Obama presented Gehry with the highest civilian award of the United States, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, in 2016. Style of Gehrys Architecture In 1988, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City used Gehrys Santa Monica house as an example of a new, modern architecture they called deconstructivism. This style breaks down the parts of a piece so their organization appears disorganized and chaotic. Unexpected details and building materials tend to create visual disorientation and disharmony. Gehry on Architecture In Barbara Isenbergs book, Conversations With Frank Gehry, Gehry talked about the approach he takes to his work: Building a building is like berthing the Queen Mary in a small slip at a marina. There are lots of wheels and turbines and thousands of people involved, and the architect is the guy at the helm who has to visualize everything going on and organize it all in his head. Architecture is anticipating, working with and understanding all of the craftsmen, what they can do and what they cant do, and making it all come together. I think of the final product as a dream image, and its always elusive. You can have a sense of what the building should look like and you can try to capture it. But you never quite do. But history has acknowledged that Bernini was an artist as well as an architect, and so was Michelangelo. Its possible that an architect can also be an artist....Im not comfortable using the word sculpture. Ive used it before, but I dont think its really the right word. Its a building. The words sculpture, art, and architecture are loaded, and when we use them, they have a lot of different meanings. So Id rather just say Im an architect. Legacy Frank Gehrys work has had a profound impact on postmodernist architecture. His unique use of materials, line, and technology have inspired architects and changed the way architects and engineers think about structures. His most significant structures, such as the Bilbao Guggenheim, have, as Salon’s Karen Templer wrote, ...changed the way people think about the field of architecture. Gehry has proven that people will travel halfway around the world to look at a building as well as its contents. It stands as evidence that a building can put a town on the map. Sources Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. â€Å"Frank Gehry.† Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 24 Feb. 2019.Frank O. Gehry.† Academy of Achievement.Isenberg, Barbara. Conversations With Frank Gehry by Barbara Isenberg. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2012.The Museum of Modern Art. Deconstructivist Architecture. June 1988. Sokol, David. â€Å"31 Spectacular Buildings Designed by Frank Gehry.† Architectural Digest, 25 Nov. 2018.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Pros and Cons of Various HRIS Systems Research Paper
Pros and Cons of Various HRIS Systems - Research Paper Example Traditionally, HRIS is considered as an automated record keeping of employees and computerization of the payroll. However, it is now well established that HR managers with information system can greater role beyond the administrative jobs. Today the organizations are besieged with the cost burden. With increased cost competition, the companies have no option but to transfer the cost burden to the customers. Therefore, to maintain stability in the price of the products, the only option is to look within, i.e. cost minimization. Cost minimization without technology support is difficult (Walker, 2001, p. 135). Background of the report Big Boss Security Limited is a company that provides personal security for business executives and high ranking officials. The company has 150 employees. The human resource department has two HR staffs; one HR manager and one part-time employee. The company is facing some problems due to the small number of staffs in the HR department. However, the company does not have any plans to recruit HR personnel at this point in time. Therefore the company has decided to go for IT enablement of the Hr department by introducing HRIS. The system needs to be installed keeping the company objective and budget constraints in mind. Therefore there is an existence of budget constraint. However, the company has got plans for future expansion. Therefore it is very important for the company to retain the talent and increase efficiency. HRIS Concepts HRIS is the systems to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze and interpret relevant information on human resources. It is not mere computer hardware or some customized standard HR software. It broadly includes people, policies and procedures and of course data. It does not limit the focus on automation of manual HR jobs like record keeping or payroll preparation. It is a service in the form of information. The nature of the information depends upon the user's needs. Users may not be limited to the HR depa rtment; it may even be an MD/President of an organization. For example, the finance manager of a company has to prepare an annual budget. Hence data on the aggregate compensation cost may be required. However, merely depending upon the headcounts may give an inaccurate result. But simulating this with factors like attrition rate, likely DA increase or decrease, absenteeism, man-days lost due to the IT related problems, increments, incentive, promotion, redundancy, etc. will most certainly ensure better projection. Similarly, even HR people may need that information for different purposes. There are different HRIS modules that are in the product profile of all HRIS vendors. There are products on recruitment and management, training and development, attendance, etc. Different HRIS Modules In this section several HRIS modules would be analyzed. Even though all major HRIS vendors provide manpower planning solutions, there are vendors providing exclusive solutions for the overall human r esource management functions. Based on the key organizational issues and objective some modules have been analyzed.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Business LAW Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business LAW - Assignment Example The main service offered by Acas is dispute resolution. Therefore, the organisation uses three main ways of resolving a disagreement between parties. The first one is conciliation. Conciliation occurs when the organisation tries to find out the issues that bring disputes between the parties. The reason for conciliation is to aid the parties to come to a mutual agreement in solving their differences. Therefore, conciliation seeks to give the parties in a dispute the room to evaluate their differing positions before coming to a conclusion. In conciliation, ACAS l meets both parties in private before bringing them together with an aim to rebuild the bruised relationship. In addition, any decision arrived at is legally binding upon the parties. In addition, ACAS uses arbitration. In arbitration, the parties in a dispute usually agree to involve a third party in case of a dispute arising to decide on the dispute and make any awards where applicable. ACAS is more informal in this, and it a voids formal processes that go on in courts such as formal pleadings and documentaries. Parties coming for arbitration in ACAS must first agree to take part (Gennard and Judge 2005). The agreement must be in writing outlining the issues to be negotiated. In addition, the terms of reference are determined by the disputing parties, and where they are not able, they are helped by an ACAS conciliator. The organisations are committed to good conduct and fairness with its decisions being final, and the awards given difficult to be challenged. Mediation is the third method used by ACAS, and it bears some similarities with arbitration. The major difference is that no awards can be got from mediation. The mediators usually take an active role in dispute resolution proceedings to help the disputing parties find solutions. After that, the mediators make recommendations to the parties, and it’s upon the parties to
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Zinc Deficiency in Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression
Zinc Deficiency in Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression Study of the relation between zinc deficiency in pregnancy and postpartum depressin Maryam Asltoghiri, Zahra Ghodsi Abstract Maternal zinc deficiency during pregnancy has been related to adverse pregnancy outcome. Recently, zinc deficiency has been on the focus as causing depression. The study was conducted to the determine the relation between zinc deficiency in pregnancy and postpartum depression. This prospective describe-analytical study was conducted on the population of women admitted to Fatemmie hospital in Hamedan city in west of Iran in 2011 .The study sample included 132 normal ( non depressed confirmed by the beck test) pregnant woman who were selected by convenient non-probability methods. Blood sample were collected from pregnant cases in 38-40 weeks and serum zinc was assessed by Enzymatic technique. Standard values under 85 mg/dl were defined zinc deficiency. In 28th days after delivery, they completed the Edinburgh Questionnaire. The relation between their postpartum depression and zinc deficiency was assessed. There was no significant difference in demographic in the between two groups. Th e results showed that zinc deficiency had increased the chance of postpartum depression (p Key words: zinc deficiency, postpartum depression Introduction Women, especially women of child-bearing age, are at high risk of depression ( Escriba`-Agu ¨ir Artazcoz 2011). PPD is a condition occurring in the post-natal period characterized by depressed mood, lack of energy, disruptions of sleep and appetite, loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, (Crayton Walsh, 2007 ); irritability, excessive physical complaints, lack of libido (Zauderer, 2009), (Gjerdingen et al, 2009 ). Women with PPD may also have recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation, or recurrent thoughts about harming the baby. The onset of PPD may be as early as 4 weeks but is most commonly diagnosed between 6 and 12 weeks postpartum (Posmontier 2008). Postpartum depression (PPD) is a significant public health concern. (Krause et al 2009) Maternal depression is very common globally, the prevalence of which ranges from 15% in the United States to 35% in low-income. Furthermore, the average prevalence of maternal postpartum depression within 6–8 wk af ter childbirth is 13% in the general population. (DiGirolamo Ramirez-Zea 2009) Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that has harmful effects on mothers, infants, family and relationships (Nikseresht, 2010) The consequences of postnatal depression on child development in early infancy, later infancy and early childhood have been the focus of a number of studies, with cognitive, emotional and social development potentially affected. (Leigh Milgrom, 2008). Therefore, identifying and treating depression early is a well recognized, public health priority (Segre et al, 2010) Furthermore, depression appears to be more severe in postpartum women and has an increased risk of recurrence. (Krause et al, 2009) Screening for depression in postpartum women is strongly encouraged. (Segre et al, 2010) Given the high prevalence and serious consequences of postnatal depression, efforts have been made to identify risk factors to assist in prevention, identification and treatment. (Leigh Milgrom , 2008). Most observers consider a history of depression, antenatal depression (Posmontier, 2008), stressful life events, low social support, marital problems ( Escriba`-Agu ¨ir Artazcoz, 2011) antenatal anxiety, negative cognitive attributional style, low self-esteem, and low income Other risk factors for postnatal depression cited in the literature include young age, fewer years of education, a history of miscarriage and pregnancy termination and a history of childhood sexual abuse (Leigh Milgrom, 2008) to be implicated in the development of depression, but there is little information available about biological factors. Zinc, one of the biological factors. The importance of zinc was first documented for Aspergillus niger. It took over 75 years to realize that zinc is also an essential trace element for rats and an additional 30 years went by before it was recognized that this was also true for humans. (Hasse et al, 2008) Zinc is one of the most important micronutrient with essential role in biochemical regulation of the body functions (Arast, 2009) Zinc is a cofactor for polymerases and proteases involved in many cellular functions (e.g., wound repair, intestinal epithelial cell regeneration). Zinc has antioxidant properties and may protect against macular degeneration from oxidative stress (Saper Rash, 2009) Due to the wide prevalence of zinc deficiency and the multitude of zinc’s essential biological functions, nutritional correction of zinc deficiency may have a significant impact on different aspects of human health. (Hasse et al, 2008). The prevalence of zinc deficiency is estimated to be high, with billions of people at risk, in particular in the developing world (Saper Rash, 2009) The importance of zinc in pregnancy period was widely studied in various countries. Variation in zinc plasma levels during pregnancy needs more investigation, because maternal zinc deficiencies may cause some severe abnormalities in the fetus ( arast 2009) The first clinical findings published by Hansen et al. indicated low serum zinc levels in treatment resistant depressed patients. Low serum zinc level was late found in major depressed and minor depressed subjects. (Szewczyk et al, 2010) Siwek and associated in 2010 suggest that Recurrent major depression is associated with decreased blood zinc concentrations that may be increased by effective antidepressant therapy. Given the negative implications of postpartum depression on health and wellbeing of mother and child, the current study aimed to examine prospectively the relationships among zinc deficiency and symptom of depression in Fattemieh hospital in city of Hamedan in west of Iran. Method This prospective describe-analytical study was conducted on the population of pregnant women ( mean gestation weeks = 38-40) admitted to the maternity hospital of Fatemieh in city of Hamedan in west of iran during 9-month period in years of 2011 .The sample consisted of 132 normal pregnant women (non depressed confirmed by the beck test) ranging in age from 20 to 35 years who were selected by convenient non-probability method. Our exclusion criteria were as follow : gestational diabetes, thyroid disorder, preeclampsia, history of infertility and stillbirth, unplanned pregnancy and history of depression . All the subjects were explained about the purpose of the study and were ensured strict confidentiality. Written informed consents were taken from each of women. All participants also reported their age, parity status, level of education, annual household income, marital status and history of abortion. Following University ethics approval, women currently 38 to40 weeks pregnant were invited to participate in a study. Blood samples were collected from pregnant cases and serum zinc was assessed by Enzymatic technique. Standard values under 85 mg/dl were defined zinc deficiency. At this time, They were divided into two groups of Zinc deficiency (n= 68) and normal zinc (n = 64) by their zinc levels. They were homogenized as for the confounders. On the 28th days after delivery ,they completed the Edinburgh questionnaire. We assessed depression with the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), a widely used self-report screening measure, at postpartum. We chose the EPDS because it has been validated for postpartum use and does not include somatic items, such as weight change, loss of energy, and tiredness that may be misleading as indicators of depression in the puerperal period. A score >12 indicates probable depression. Validation of the scale against diagnostic clinical interviews indicated a specificity of 78% and a sensitivity of 86% for all forms of depression. (Herring et al 2008) The relationship between their depression and zinc deficiency in 38-40 was assessed. SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago IL) statistical software was used for data analysis. All hypothesis tests were two-sided and P-values2, t-test ,mann Whitney, v-cramer and relative risk were used to analyze the obatained data. Results No statistically significant difference was noted in duration of marriage ( 4.27  ± 2.21 and 3.90  ± 1.53) ,socioeconomic (0.05  ± 1.02 and 0.05  ± 0/98 ), granida (60.9% and 61.8% no delivery), history of abortion ( 10/9 % and 7.4 % )and satisfaction of marriage ( 69.24  ±10.88 and 70.84  ± 10.47) between normal zinc and zinc deficiency groups ,respectively. Participants age ranged from 20 to 35 years (M=26.97 years, SD=3.75 and M=26.51 years, SD=4.31) in normal zinc and zinc deficiency groups ,respectively. At 38-40 weeks of pregnancy 68 women were placed in zinc deficiency and 64 women in normal zinc. 14.1% of the normal zinc and 38.2% of the zinc deficiency were found depressed on the 28th day after delivery and zinc deficiency had increased the chances of postpartum depression by 3.78 times.(p Table 1 : Comparison of depression on normal and zinc deficiency groups Conclusion The results indicated that zinc deficiency at 38-40 weeks gestation predicted, prospectively ,increased depressive symptoms at 28 days after delivery. This supported the proposed hypotheses and extended findings of our previous research suggesting that womens experiences of zinc deficiency may have clinical implications for the development of postpartum depression. Musavi and associated in 2006 expressed that major depressed subjects show significantly lowered serum zinc concentration. Results of this study, according to our study. DiGirolamo and associated in 2009 expressed similar results .Siwek and associated in 2010 expressed that Serum zinc is a state marker of depression. Szewczyk in 2010 showed that IRS activation is accompanied by a decrease in serum zinc level. In fact, in patients with major depression, a low zinc serum level correlated with an increase in the activation of markers of the immune system. Thus, these findings raise the hypothesis that the lower serum zinc observed in depressed patients may, in part, result from a depression-related alteration in the immune-inflammatory system. The other data supporting an important role of zinc in depression comes from the findings that the lower serum zinc level observed in depressed patients could be normalized by successful antidepressant therapy. However so further well-designed, adequately powered research is required .Lai and associated in 2012 suggest that potential benefits of zinc supplementation as a stand-alone intervention or as an adjunct to conventional antidepressant drug therapy for depression. Given symptoms of antenatal and postnatal depression are highly correlated, further research should evaluate the impact of antenatal experiences of zinc deficiency and indirectly via postpartum depression. Zinc deficiency in third trimester of gestation could be due to malnourishment or other conditions such as plasma expansion during pregnancy. Enhancing the daily uptake of zinc at the third trimester could be supportive.( arast et al 2009 )Zinc can improve depressive symptoms by nitrergic pathway. This element as supplement compounds could be alternatives for antidepressants in postpartum period. (Nickseresht 2010) The findings are limited as the relationships of earlier zinc deficiency with postpartum depressive symptom. Our findings indicate the importance of screening for the possible impact of zinc deficiency in earlier stages, to enable early treatment and even prevention of the development of antenatal and postpartum depression. Corresponding author: Maryam Asltoghiri
Friday, January 17, 2020
Findings, Recommendations and Conclusions on Hyundai Motors
A REPORT ON INTERNSHIP TRAINING SAGAR LOGISTICS LIMITED Submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS By SIDHARTH THOMAS REG NO: 11MIB111 2011-2013 SCHOOL OF COMMERCE AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Dr. G. R. DAMODARAN COLLEGE OF SCIENCE (Autonomous) Affiliated to Bharathiar University and Re accredited with ‘A’ grade by NAAC, An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Institution Civil Aerodrome Post, Avinashi Road, Coimbatore- 641 014. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Dr. G. R.DAMODARAN COLLEGE OF SCIENCE (Autonomous) Affiliated to Bharathiar University and Re accredited with ‘A’ grade by NAAC, An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Institution Civil Aerodrome Post, Avinashi Road, Coimbatore- 641 014 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the internship report on GENERAL STUDY ON LOGISTICS is a bonafide record of work done by SIDHARTH THOMAS REG NO: 11MIB111, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COURSE DIRECTOR Submitted for Viva-Voce Examination held on INTERNAL EXAMINER                     EXTERNAL EXAMINER DECLARATIONI hereby declare that the internship report on â€Å"A GENERAL STUDY ON LOGISTICS†DONE AT SAGAR LOGISTICS submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS is the original work carried out by me. It is not formed as a part of any other project work submitted for the award of any degree or diploma, either to this or to any other university. SIDHARTH THOMAS REG NO: 11MIB111 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I express my sincere thanks to DR. K. K. RAMACHANDRAN, Director, G. R. D SCHOOL OF COMMERCE AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS, for providing me this opportunity to take up this internship training.I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. VS PRADEEP, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER of SAG AR LOGISTICS PVT LIMITED, for his kind acceptance of training request in the company. The gratitude passes to all the trainers of SAGAR LOGISTICS PVT. LTD, who gave me support and training during my internship training in the company. I also express my sincere thanks to Mr. S. MOORTHY who guided me throughout my report. I extend my sincere thanks to all my family members for being extremely supportive during my training period. SIDHARTH THOMAS TABLE OF CONTENT S. NO| CHAPTER| NAME| PAGENO| 1. | I | 1.INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS2. INTRODUCTION TO THE INDUSTRY3. OBJECTIVES4. ROLE AS AN INTERN| 6-891011| 2. | II| 1. COMPANY PROFILE2. VISION AND MISSION3. PRODUCT PROFILE/ SERVICE PROFILE| 111212-20| 3. | III| 1. DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES| 20-26| 4. | IV| 1. OUTCOME OF THE INTERNSHIP2. CONCLUSION| 2728| Introduction to international business International business is a term used to collectively describe all commercial transactions (private and governmental, sales, investments , logistics, and transportation) that take place between two or more regions, countries and nations beyond their political boundary.Usually, private companies undertake such transactions for profit; governments undertake them for profit and for political reasons. 1 It refers to all those business activities which involve cross border transactions of goods, services, resources between two or more nations. Transaction of economic resources include capital, skills, people etc. for international production of physical goods and services such as finance, banking, insurance, construction etc. 2 International business involves commercial activities that cross national frontiers.It concerns the international movement of goods, capital, services, employees and technology; importing and exporting; cross border transactions in intellectual property via licensing and franchising; investments in physical and financial assets in foreign countries; contract manufacture or assembly of goods abroad for local sale or for export to other nations; buying and selling in foreign countries; the establishment of foreign warehousing and distribution systems; and the import to one foreign country of goods from a second foreign country for subsequent local sale. 3All the basic tools and concepts of domestic business management are relevant to international business. However, special problem arise in international business, in particular * Deals might have to be transacted in foreign languages and under foreign laws, customs and regulations. * Information on foreign countries needed by a particular firm may be difficult * Foreign currency transactions will be necessary. Exchange rate variations can be very wide and create many problems for international business. * Numerous cultural differences may have to be taken into account when trading in other nations. Control and communication systems are normally more complex for foreign than for domestic operations. * Risk levels might be higher in foreign markets. * International managers require a broader range of management skills than do managers who are concerned only with domestic problems. 1-Daniels, J. , Radebaugh, L. , Sullivan, D. (2007). International Business: environment and operations, 11th edition. Prentice Hall. * Large amounts of important work might have to be left to intermediaries, consultants and advisers. * It is more difficult to observe and monitor trends and activities in foreign countries.Why firms engage in International Business? Business undertakes international operations in order to expand sales, acquire resources from foreign countries, or diversify these activities (Anderson 1993). The motives for operating internationally are as follows: * Commercial risks can be spread across several countries. * Involvement in international business can facilitate the ‘experience curve’ effect. * Economies of scope (as opposed to economies of scale) might become available. Economies of scale are reductions in unit production costs resulting from large scale operations. The costs of new product dev could require so much expenditure that the firm is compelled to adopt an international perspective. * There might be intense competition in the home market but little in certain foreign countries. * A company’ overall strategies and plans can be anchored against a wider range of opportunities. Sudden collapses in market demand in some countries may be offset by expansions elsewhere. * Cross-border trade is today much easier to organise than in the past. International business is not new – businesses and nations have conducted trade across national boundaries for centuries.Lured by the prospects of large markets and/or sources of raw materials, businesses have traded with other parts of the world. But as we will see later global business and global industry is different. Overseas trade and Ansoff’s matrix Thinking about international business in the contex t of Ansoff’s matrix: * Entry into overseas markets represents market development. * Existing products are sold in new markets. * It is appealing because: – market penetration is difficult in saturated markets. – product development is costly. – diversification is risky Why enter overseas markets?The reasons for entering overseas markets can be categorised into â€Å"push†and â€Å"pull†factors: Push factors * Saturation in domestic markets * Economic difficulty in domestic markets * Near the end of the product life cycle at home * Excess capacity * Risk diversification Pull factors * The attraction of overseas markets * Increase sales * Enjoy greater economies of scale * Extend the product life cycle * Exploit a competitive advantage * Personal ambition Factors in the choice of which overseas market(s) to enter: * Size of the market (population, income) * Economic factors (state of the economy) Cultural linguistic factors (e. g. preferenc e for countries with similar cultural background) * Political stability (there is usually a preference for stable areas) * Technological factors (these affect demand and the ease of trading) Constraints and difficulties in entering overseas markets: * Resources * Time * Market uncertainty * Marketing costs * Cultural differences * Linguistic differences * Trade barriers * Regulations and administrative procedures. * Political uncertainties * Exchange rates (transactions costs & risks) * Problems of financing * Working capital problems * Cost of insurance Distribution networks Exporting is only one method of doing business internationally * We normally think of overseas trade in terms of exporting and importing goods and services * This involves transporting goods and selling them across national boundaries. * Direct exporting implies that the domestic firm is actively involved in selling the goods abroad * Indirect exporting means that the marketing of goods is delegated to export a gents and the UK manufacturer concentrates on production * But exporting involving the movement of goods is only one method of engaging in international businessOther methods of market entry * Overseas product an/or assembly (producing goods abroad) * International alliances and joint ventures (working with foreign companies) * International M&A (mergers and acquisitions across frontiers) * International franchising and licensing allowing foreign based firms to produce, market and distribute goods in specified areas abroad) A. Definition LOGISTICS IS THE ART AND SCIENCE OF MANAGEMENT, ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES CONCERNED WITH REQUIREMENTS, DESIGN AND SUPPLYING, MAINTAINING RESOURCES TO SUPPORT OBJECTIVES, PLANS AND OPERATION.  SOCIETY OF LOGISTICS ENGINEERS (SOLE) 1974. Fierce competition in today’s market has forced business enterprises to invest in and focus on supply chains. The growth in telecommunication and transportation technologies has led to furthe r growth of the supply chain. The supply chain, also known as the logistics network, consists of suppliers, manufacturing centers, warehouses, distribution centers and retail outlets, as well as raw materials, work-in-process inventory and finished products that flow between the facilities.The logistics management takes into consideration every facility that has an impact on cost. It plays an important role in making the product conform to customer requirements. Also it involves efficient integration of suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses and stores and encompasses the firms’ activities at many levels, from the strategic level through the tactical to the operational level. Logistics is a challenging and important activity because it serves as an integrating or boundary spanning function.It links suppliers with customers and it integrates functional entities across a company. With the ever-growing competition in today’s market place it becomes necessary for a firm to u se its resources to focus on strategic opportunities. This includes several internal factors like management style, culture, human resources, facilities and several external factors like technology, globalization and competition. This is where the concept of logistics plays a major role, i. e. it helps to leverage certain advantages the firm has in the marketplace.B. Role of Logistics Lets us now have a look at how logistics works. It is important to recognize the importance of a dynamic balance between the minute details and the main elements involved in a product. The Role of Logistics is to maintain that balance. Once the firm realizes the importance of logistics it is necessary that the firm make full and efficient use of logistics. The first step is to create a buyer value for the customer and a strategic value for the firm. The customer is the most important asset for a company.He drives the entire supply chain including manufacturing, marketing and logistics. Hence it is impo rtant for a firm to have a clear understanding of what the customer demands and to keep up to the customers expectations. Once a company has a clear understanding of its customer’s requirements it must device a strategy on how to use logistics to achieve it. This means that the company has to have a clear understanding or assessment of company’s strategic direction. Now lets take a look at the various steps involved in a logistics strategy development and planning process.Visioning: this includes the systematic development of an organizational consensus regarding the key inputs to the logistics planning process as well as identification of the potential alternative logistics approaches. This is an important step for the following reasons: * Helps to define a strategic direction to the company and also to get a clear understanding the role of logistics in it. * Get a clear idea of the requirements of the various segments of customers. * Have a look at the various factor s that would affect the strategy of the company. * Define alternative strategies and also the scope of the planning effort.Strategic analysis: this involves taking a look at the various components involved in the process and selecting the best logistics process among the alternatives. These components, which are to be reviewed, are revealed during he first step. This may include revamping the entire process to assessing how a single component can be used more effectively. Planning: this involves the assembling of a plan that outlines the mission and goals for the logistics function and the programs and activities to achieve these goals. Logistics planning is an iterative process.The plans have to be redefined every year to improve the quality of performance. Managing change: this involves effective management to implement enhanced ways of conducting business. The management should keeping changing the plans in accordance with the change in the market and also coach the organization to effectively embrace this change. C. Current Logistics Related Issues There are several factors that affect logistics. These issues need to be anticipated, prepared for and taken advantage of for a company to be successful in today’s market. They are External: * Globalisation * Technology Workforce 2000 * challenging nature of the work force * Environmental concerns Internal: * Customer service and quality * Third party networks * Supply chain management * Changes in management and organization style Listed below are some of the steps that could be followed to mitigate the above mentioned issues: Performance: * Better service for customers * Improved productivity * Assess just in time and quick response needs System structure: * Better relationship with vendors, customers and third parties to more effectively manage the supply chain * Better relationship within and across the organizationTechnology integration: * Better information systems that connect functions and organiz ations * Combine information and material handling systems for increased efficiency and effectiveness. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY * To study the performance of LOGISTICS process. . * To know about the marketing techniques and promotion measures. * To understand the overall functioning of all the various departments. AS A INTERNEE I did my Internship training at SAGAR LOGISTICS PVT. LTD. I had a very good experience observing and working with various departments of SAGAR.COMPANY PROFILE SAGAR shipping was started in the year 1987 at Willington Island, Kochi, Kerala to provide professionalized service in the area of clearing and forwarding. This is our Silver Jubilee year. OUR LEADER & MISSIONARY : Mr. V. S Pradeep is the founder of this organization and is the chief executive officer. Amongst the many laurels that adorn his professional cap the following needs special mention. President Cochin Customs Agent Association (1999-2001) Director Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Two terms ) Trustee Cochin port (2000-2002)OUR MISSION : Our mission is to provide a personalized touch to the professional service of Clearing & Forwarding by finding the right person for the right job and by ensuring the right job for the right person. It is our Endeavour to translate our years of experience, competence and goodwill to cater to the stringent demands of changing times. We take pride in building long term relationships and quality service with uncompromising thoroughness, integrity, confidentiality and timely delivery. We take time to listen, understand and match the needs of our clients.OUR ETHICS : We are a value based organization. We conduct reference checks before our service is offered. We ensure confidentiality to our clients. OUR SERVICES : * Custom Clearing forwarding * Baggage clearance * Packing * Freight forwarding * Warehousing * Transporting Packing and Warehousing The packing of the goods for export is a complex task to ensure goods are protected against the ri sks involved in their handling and the modes of transportation being used. Consideration needs to be given to the climates and terrain of the countries through which the consignments will be travelling.Too much heavy packing could prove costly for goods travelling by air, for example. On the other hand, too little packing might prove a false economy. Many forwarders provide a packing service for their customers, and the forwarder’s expertise . . Who are Freight Forwarders? The different types of freight forwarding companies can be broadly divided into three categories: Local companies – These are generally small single office companies which tend to deal with customers in the local area, or operate at a seaport or airport concentrating on particular types of traffic.National companies – Many forwarders have offices in the major ports and airports throughout the country as well as in the largest industrial towns. They may also have warehousing or handling depots from where they operate their own services. Such companies will often have agents or correspondents overseas in the markets with which they operate. International companies – The truly international company will have its own offices overseas and offer a wide range of worldwide services. Import Procedures Procedures have to be followed by ‘person-in-charge of conveyance’ as well as the importer.WHO IS ‘PERSON IN CHARGE' – As per section 2(31), ‘person in charge' means (a) In case of vessel – its master (b) In case of aircraft – its commander or pilot-in-charge (c) In case of train – its conductor or guard and (d) In case of vehicle or other conveyance – its driver or other person in charge. The significance of this definition is – He is responsible for submitting Import Manifest and Export Manifest He is responsible to ensure that the conveyance comes through approved route and lands at approved place only. He has to ensure that goods are unloaded after written order, at proper place.Loading also has to be only after permission. He has to ensure that conveyance does not leave without written order of Customs authorities. He can be penalised for (a) Giving false declaration and statement (b) shortages or non-accounting of goods in conveyance Procedure by Importer – The importer importing the goods has to follow prescribed procedures for import by ship/air/road. (There is separate procedure for goods imported as a baggage or by post. ) Bill of Entry – This is a very vital and important document which every importer has to submit under section 46.The Bill of Entry should be in prescribed form. The standard size of Bill of Entry is 16†³ ? 13†³. However, for computerisation purposes, 15†³ ? 12†³ size is permitted. (Mumbai Customs Public Notice No. 142/93 dated 3-11- 93). Bill of Entry should be submitted in quadruplicate – original and duplicate for cus toms, triplicate for the importer and fourth copy is meant for bank for making remittances. Under EDI system, Bill of Entry is actually printed on computer in triplicate only after ‘out of charge’ order is given. Duplicate copy is given to importer.Types of Bill of Entry – Bills of Entry should be of one of three types. Out of these, two types are for clearance from customs while third is for clearance from warehouse. ACTIVITIES OF SELECTED DEPARTMENT Sea Freight Forwarding : services are offered irrespective of the nature of business i. e. export or import . Through our ocean Freight Forwarding Services, we handle general, project as well as stock shipments at the quickest pace. We ensure dry area for the proper placement of the arrived shipment at all the sea ports.Being a reliable Sea Freight Forwarder we also offer LCL and FCL consolidation . We also have support of order follow up and supply chain tracking system. Air Freight Forwarding : Service are the fir st of all quick and then very safe . The services of International Air Freight Forwarding include door to door service of pick up , custom clearance , delivery on the desired destination . Besides, we also pick up the cargo from the clients end . We promptly notify the consignee about the arrival of the shipment and delivery instruction . Besides, we are a trusted Air Freight Forwarder in India.The company offers gamut of Import and Export Services in the industry . We are reckoned as one of the leading Import Export agents in India. Our range of services in this category includes custom duty clearance , providing required bills and certificates, certified survey and compliances , third party inspection, transportation, warehousing and logistics solution and so on . Counted among the prominent import Export Agents in India, we take every measure to serve the clients in the most professional manner so that they get maximum satisfaction meeting their end vision.SAGAR logistics is spec ialized in offering highly reliable Custom Clearance Services in the industry. We are counted among the best Custom Clearing Agents in India. We extend our services for the hassle free transaction of shipments of the clients in almost all the customs houses in India. Our team of professionals is proficient in the complex documentation process of custom clearance . We take every care for the timely clearance of the goods from the ports or custom house through our Custom Clearance Services OUT COME OF THE INTERNSHIPGot to observe the various departments as an whole but not in detail Learned new things concerning the procedures of import and export Got a chance to interact with people around 5. 2 CONCLUSION Logistics is the one important function in business today. No marketing, manufacturing or project execution can succeed without logistics support. Logistics is important in India because of the country’s size, geography, population variety, natural and man-made calamities etc . The transport facilities are inadequate in India and roads are bad.India lacks a well-developed road network and waterways are still unexploited. Due to competition, globalization and information availability, logistics has gained extra importance. First: the days are gone when a manufacturer had a better raw material supplier than competitors. Then, the operations in a manufacturing process are well known to all. The processes are more or less standard. Also, technology is available to all. The only area where one can score over competitors is logistics. If logistics cost is reduced, there is a gain. . .
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Cardiovascular Conditioning Essays - 1649 Words
Conditioning Assignment: Cardiovascular Conditioning nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cardiovascular conditioning can be defined as the efficient transport and utilization of necessary oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the body. The cardiovascular system needs to be well conditioned to enable the body to deliver adequate oxygenated blood and nutrients to the working muscles, in addition to improving the muscles’ capacity to use extra oxygen. Cardiovascular training is the most important style of training both for general health and for overall athletic performance. One of the major systems of the body, which is effected by cardiovascular conditioning, is the circulatory system. With proper exercise the heart becomes stronger and is†¦show more content†¦Interval training is a good method for competitive runners in which usual aerobic training is mixed with several repetitions of faster running. Not only does this program increase muscular endurance, it also helps to increase the temperature of the muscles. The higher the temperature of the muscle cells, the faster they are able to metabolize oxygen and fuel they need. Cardiovascular helps to increase muscle mass, and as muscle mass increases more fat cells are burned. Nerve stimulus to the muscles also becomes more efficient through exercise. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;With proper training, the body’s usage of oxygen can be improved by up to twenty-five percent. Cardiovascular endurance is best improved by training with the right balance of intensity, duration, and frequency. The right intensity is determined by monitoring training pulse. Once exercise is finished the pulse should be taken immediately. An adequate beginner’s rate is 120-130 beats per minute; intermediate (after 3-6 weeks of training) 130-140 beats per minute; and conditioned athletes should have a training pulse of 160 or higher. If training pulse is too high the athlete should slow the pace to get the best benefits of the training. The duration of training is determined by monitoring the recovery pulse rate. After a heavy cardiovascular workout, the athlete should wait two minutes and take the pulse, if the duration is appropriate it should have dropped approximately twenty-five to thirtyShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Cardiovascular Condit ioning3006 Words  | 13 PagesCardiovascular fitness shows how the heart and lungs supply oxygen-rich blood to the working muscle tissues and the ability of the muscles to use oxygen to produce energy for movement. The ability to deliver oxygen to the muscles is affected by many physiological parameters, including heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, and maximal oxygen consumption. Cardiovascular conditioning utilizes and transports the necessary oxygen and nutrients to body tissues. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Mamenchisaurus - Facts and Figures
Name: Mamenchisaurus (Greek for Mamenxi lizard); pronounced ma-MEN-chih-SORE-us Habitat: Forests and plains of Asia Historical Period: Late Jurassic (160-145 million years ago) Size and Weight: Up to 115 feet long and 50-75 tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Unusually long neck, composed of 19 elongated vertebrate; long, whiplike tail About Mamenchisaurus If it hadnt been named after the province of China where it was discovered, in 1952, Mamenchisaurus might better have been called Neckosaurus. This sauropod (the family of gigantic, herbivorous, elephant-legged dinosaurs that dominated the late Jurassic period) wasnt quite as thickly built as more famous cousins like Apatosaurus or Argentinosaurus, but it possessed the most impressive neck of any dinosaur of its kind--over 35 feet long, composed of no less than nineteen huge, elongated vertebrae (the most of any sauropods with the exception of Supersaurus and Sauroposeidon). With such a long neck, you might assume that Mamenchisaurus subsisted on the uppermost leaves of tall trees. However, some paleontologists believe that this dinosaur, and other sauropods like it, was incapable of holding its neck to its full vertical position, and instead swept it back and forth close to the ground, like the hose of a giant vacuum cleaner, as it feasted on low-lying shrubbery. This controversy is closely tied to the warm-blooded/cold-blooded dinosaur debate: its difficult to imagine a cold-blooded Mamenchisaurus having a robust enough metabolism (or a strong enough heart) to enable it to pump blood 35 feet straight up into the air, but a warm-blooded Mamenchisaurus presents its own set of problems (including the prospect that this plant-eater would literally cook itself from the inside out). There are currently seven identified Mamenchisaurus species, some of which may fall by the wayside as more research is conducted on this dinosaur. The type species, M. constructus, which was discovered in China by a highway construction crew, is represented by a 43-foot-long partial skeleton; M. anyuensis was at least 69 feet long; M. hochuanensis, 72 feet long; M. jingyanensis, up to 85 feet long; M. sinocanadorum, up to 115 feet long; and M. youngi, a relatively runty 52 feet long; a seventh species. M. fuxiensis, may not be a Mamenchisaurus at all but a related genus of sauropod (provisionally named Zigongosaurus). Mamenchisaurus was closely related to other long-necked Asian sauropods, including Omeisaurus and Shunosaurus.
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