Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The French Revolution Was Inevitable - 2263 Words
Ultimately, the French Revolution was inevitable. The people of France were growing increasingly more upset with treatment they received from the upper and royal classes, mainly due to special privileges and weakened punishments for people of aristocratic families. Further fueling the fire, Louis XVI, the reigning king at the time, had recently levied a new land tax to solve France’s financial issues. The nation’s public banded together to eliminate unjust ruling in their country once and for all. The revolution officially began in June 1789 and quickly escalated, with the Storming of the Bastille, the forced release of French prisoners by the public, occurring less than a month later. While members of the government had anticipated an angry mob, the actual amount of people that showed up at the Bastille far surpassed their prediction of about 100. Eventually, civilians were able to barrel their way into the prison and release the seven inmates, all of which were imprisoned by King Louis XVI. The event left approximately 100 military and insurgents dead and marked a huge leap toward the eventual creation of the Republic of France. The fragmentation of the country of France was essentially caused by its ruler, King Louis XVI. Described as â€Å"weak in character†and â€Å"mentally dull†, Louis didn’t understand what it took to rule a country. Born into his position, King Louis didn’t seem to appreciate hard work. During his time as monarch of France, he did little other thanShow MoreRelatedFrench Revolution: the Solution to Class Inequality1141 Words  | 5 Pages The French Revolution was one of the most important events that occurred in the history of France. The revolution crumpled the Old Regime and completely transformed the social and political system of France. 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