Thursday, October 31, 2019
What role does autonomy play in achieving a 'good death' Essay
What role does autonomy play in achieving a 'good death' - Essay Example â€Å"The main reason for the complex situation at the end of life is the development of life-sustaining technologies within the last fifty years†(Earle et al 2008, p.25). Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of autonomy in achieving a ‘good death’. Hence, the concepts of autonomy and ‘good death’, along with their guiding principles and their application will be evaluated and illustrated. â€Å"The care of dying patients is a responsibility for families, healthcare professionals and society†(Jeffrey 2006, p.2). Most care support is provided by families and non-professional carers. To improve the care of dying patients it is essential to understand end-of-life issues and promote effective communication. Palliative care for patients with chronic, life-threatening diseases such as advanced cancer involves decision making. Professionals are required to include patients in decisions that affect their care, while explaining to the patients and their carers, the ethical issues involved. Patient autonomy is perceived as key to ‘good death’. However, Brown (2003) argues that patient’s autonomy or freedom of choice at the end of life care is not merely a matter of individual preference. Other important criteria that influence a patient’s autonomy are socioeconomic status, availability of services, cultural factors, emotional and relationship factors, along with the political and other aspects of care. The manner in which people are cared for at the end of their lives is one indicator of a civilised society. Recent medical advances can delay death as well as prolong the process of dying. These dynamics generate tension from which emerge ethical dilemmas requiring debate. Though the technological aspect of care increases progressively, the new concerns are regarding the neglect of the softer, psychological elements of care.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Discuss some of the key similarities and differences between orthodox Essay
Discuss some of the key similarities and differences between orthodox and naturopathic medicine. briefly evaluate circumstances when the use of one may be more - Essay Example According to Larson (2007, p. 1), alternative medicine represents any form of healing therapy outside the borders of orthodox medicine which uses pharmaceuticals, radiation, chemotherapy, and surgical procedures in its practice of healing the sick. Alternative medicine includes all forms of therapy from acupuncture to Zen Buddhism as potential pathways to health. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine states that there four types of alternative medical systems which include Chinese medicine, ayurvedic medicine, naturopathy, and homeopathy. What separates naturopathy from the other types of alternative medicine is not only its beginnings, but also the basis on which health, disease and treatment is seen. While the other forms of alternative medicine have their roots in shamanism and spirituality, the beginnings of naturopathy can be traced back to the beginnings of orthodox medicine. Hippocrates, generally considered as the "Father of Medicine", is also considered to be a physician that practiced what was similar to naturopathic medicine. ... Although this does not correspond entirely to the principles of naturopathy, as it can be observed, the view that the health and disease is based in the balance of natural elements is the basis of most naturopathic beliefs. In order for the differences and similarities between orthodox and naturopathic medicine to be better evident, the six basic principles of naturopathic medicine should be reviewed. The first concept is the healing power of nature, which refers to connecting with nature, or the life force, which is constant, although ever changing. Connecting with nature involves getting outside yourself, getting beyond whatever health limitations are concerning you. Further, the healing power of nature involves a connection with this life force, taking some action, either through exercise or any physical activity, that connects us with life. Naturopathy involves taking an active role in your own health, becoming your own health maintenance organization, as opposed to approach of traditional medicine of prescription drugs. The second concept of naturopathy, identification and treatment of the cause of disease, focuses on eliminating the problem that is resulting in the illness. One common example can be given, as high blood pressure, and its treatment through conventional medicine. Diuretics are the most common treatment, however, if the root cause is obesity and sedentary lifestyle, then the use of diuretics but failure to address those contributing factors will have the end result of treating symptoms but not correcting the basic problem. Modern medicine, however, also is beginning to focus more on eliminating social and other underlying problems that cause diseases. One such example is Sweden's
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Critical Thinking About Health And Medicine Nursing Essay
Critical Thinking About Health And Medicine Nursing Essay As defined by Michael Scriven and Richard Paul (1987), critical thinking is intellectual disciplined process of applying skills, concepts, analyzing, synthesizing , evaluation of information got by, observation, reasoning, experience, reflection, as a guidance towards an action. Edward Glaser (1941) defined critical thinking as an attitude of thinking towards solving problems that comes within the range of ones experience. Critical thinking is intellectual disciplined process of applying skills, concepts, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluation of information got by, observation, reasoning, experience, reflection, as guidance towards an action. Definitions Comparison The common things about the given definitions are, critical thinking leads toward achieving a certain goal. Also, one must have a problem and using the experience acquired, action is taken towards getting the solution. The differences between the definitions are, according to Michael Scriven and Richard Paul (1987), critical thinking is taken as an intellectual process while Edward Glaser (1941) portrays it as an attitude. The later also see as a way of solving a problem but the former say that it leads to taking the necessary action. The first definition also gives us a consistence way in which critical thinking works, but the second one just talk of range in which one is experienced. Definition that Suite Nursing Process A nurse should follow a careful and systematic process in executing his/her duty and thus the best suited definition is that of Michael Scriven and Richard Paul (1987). First nursing duty requires a lot of intellectual skills and discipline. This is because there is no room for mistakes. Once a mistake is done either through ignorance or through carelessness a life somewhere is lost. For a nurse, every detail offered by the sick person is very important. Thus analyzing each concepts and synthesizing the information given is equally important. This is because, if she/he is trying to diagnose a certain disease, fine details are required to ensure that the disease suffered is the one treated. For a nurse, before any action is taken clear observation is done. This is will always eliminate the idea of guess work because one is dealing with peoples life. Appropriate reasoning is required in nursing to ensure that required action in treatment is taken. This is enhanced by proper reflection and strong experience in the nursing field. Thus integrating all the required procedures as stipulated in the definition of critical thinking by Michael Scriven and Richard Paul (1987) the nurse in his/her full capacity will be able to execute duties fully. Definition of Critical Thinking and its Relevance in Clinical Decision Making Critical thinking is a strong concept acquired through the process of approaching an issue using systematic skills and experience attained by virtue of education, interaction, communication, observation and through analysis and accurate data correction and entry using appropriate facts towards attaining most appropriate solution. For a decision to be arrived in the nursing field one has to probe thoroughly and critically examine the information gotten before making the final decision. Taking a example of a nurse working in the Intensive Care Unit where the patient may be in coma and must be treated. The process of approaching such an issue requires a systematic skills and experience for an appropriate decision making. Such skills are adapted through critical thinking with the use of knowledge and existing facts when well interpreted. Practitioners in nursing must be accurate and precise in making decisions. They should always be lead by the virtue of listening; collecting appropriate data, analyzing it correctly and by the norms and intellectual standards of nursing gives a correct decision. In a hospital setting, there are always hustle and bustles. Patients entering and others leave. So, a nurse is required to be sane to be able to execute his/her duty. Thus without communicating to the fellow nurses, one my find it difficult to give correct information. So communication is vital to help judge once decision by comparing different ideas before giving a decision that you may not be well conversant with. Education is a very important aspect in critical thinking. Especially for a nurse, one should be well informed on type of disease patient is suffering from. Some diseases have very close symptoms thus without good knowledge, one is liable of making a mistake in arriving at decision on how to treat or prescribe medicine. The consequences of wrong prescription or treatment may lead to permanent personal damage or death. Thus, to perfect once degree of critical thinking, education is very important. In course of practicing clinical work, it is advisable also to attend different medical trainings and workshops that will act as refresher courses to refresh once critical thinking. Another very important issue is interaction. Once you interact with many people of similar profession, you get to acquire different ideas that you had not thought of. This will always boost your capability of judgment on issues. Interactions help one to broaden once mind and enhance once ability of making good decision. It is also a form of exposure that helps one to have extra experience from different broad minded people. Interaction may also be exposure to different disease diagnose and different patient. This gives one confidence in future to deal with the same ailment or patient of similar sickness with ease. Professional Development Strategies Plan To Improve Critical Thinking Skills When Making Clinical Decisions. Getting information is paramount in improving critical thinking. The information of those things that seem not to clear can be gotten from different clinical materials. One can read health and clinical journals, intellectual journals, go to clinical website or else hospital library. Most of the information is learnt from the environment we are in. for example, one has to analyze his/her environment to understand what is required of him/her or not. Different people have different likes and preferences. As a nurse you are either helping a doctor in surgery room, or attending patient in the hospital. Thus, one should always be guided by professional ethics as you try to analyze group influence. This will help you improve your critical thinking. To improve clinical critical thinking, one has to internalize intellectual standards required in nursing. Such things as accuracy in data collection, clarity in drugs prescription among others must always be on the finger tips. These qualities should be practiced on daily basis to make them part of life. As a nurse one should fight with once ego. This makes one to be bias in judging a certain scenario unconsciously. This may lead to making bad decisions. So practicing intellectual traits and admitting when you go wrong will make you go miles away as far as decision making is concerned.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Jack The Ripper Essay -- Papers
Jack The Ripper 1. From looking at the newspaper article on source A, I can determine the following information regarding the murder of Polly Nichols. Firstly, I can ascertain that it was the second of the Whitechapel murders. I can draw this conclusion from the first few words 'the two murders which have so startled London'. The second point we can learn from this article is that the killer had no apparent motive for the killings, supposedly because money wasn't missing from his victims; 'no adequate motive in the shape of plunder can be traced'. Also, the article tells us that the victims have been 'the poorest of the poor' Even though these pieces of information are product of the media, they appear to be true, as there would be no need for the newspaper to sensationalise such facts. The source also suggests the killer is a 'demented being', due to the 'extraordinary violence' exhibited in each of his murders. Finally, the source makes reference to the 'excess of effort' used by the killer 2. The report of Dr. Frederick Blackwell on the body of Elizabeth Stride supports the coroner's report on source B when it states that 'in the neck, there was a long incision which commenced on the left side, two and a half inches below the jaw, cutting the windpipe completely in two'. This account supports source B which states; 'there are no meaningless cuts' and that 'the injuries have been made by someone with considerable anatomical skill' obviously because the killer knew where to reach the windpipe. The extract also supports source A where it talks about the 'extraordinary violence'. However, source C contradicts source A when ... ... that a disgruntled customer of one of the local Jewish craftsmen's shops may have just written this graffiti to express his anger. The only thing linking this graffiti to the Eddowes murder was a tiny piece of Eddowes's apron found nearby. Source A mentions the victims being 'the poorest of the poor'. This is important, as maybe the police weren't worried as much about the poor people. Also this suggests that the killings may have been in hard to reach places for the police. Source B mentions the 'anatomical skill and knowledge' required to carry out such murders. Maybe such a man could also have enough knowledge to be able to out wit the police. Source F, the leaflet is another reminder of the police effort to stop the Ripper getting away, but it could also have let the Ripper know of the police involvement too much. Jack The Ripper Essay -- Papers Jack The Ripper 1. From looking at the newspaper article on source A, I can determine the following information regarding the murder of Polly Nichols. Firstly, I can ascertain that it was the second of the Whitechapel murders. I can draw this conclusion from the first few words 'the two murders which have so startled London'. The second point we can learn from this article is that the killer had no apparent motive for the killings, supposedly because money wasn't missing from his victims; 'no adequate motive in the shape of plunder can be traced'. Also, the article tells us that the victims have been 'the poorest of the poor' Even though these pieces of information are product of the media, they appear to be true, as there would be no need for the newspaper to sensationalise such facts. The source also suggests the killer is a 'demented being', due to the 'extraordinary violence' exhibited in each of his murders. Finally, the source makes reference to the 'excess of effort' used by the killer 2. The report of Dr. Frederick Blackwell on the body of Elizabeth Stride supports the coroner's report on source B when it states that 'in the neck, there was a long incision which commenced on the left side, two and a half inches below the jaw, cutting the windpipe completely in two'. This account supports source B which states; 'there are no meaningless cuts' and that 'the injuries have been made by someone with considerable anatomical skill' obviously because the killer knew where to reach the windpipe. The extract also supports source A where it talks about the 'extraordinary violence'. However, source C contradicts source A when ... ... that a disgruntled customer of one of the local Jewish craftsmen's shops may have just written this graffiti to express his anger. The only thing linking this graffiti to the Eddowes murder was a tiny piece of Eddowes's apron found nearby. Source A mentions the victims being 'the poorest of the poor'. This is important, as maybe the police weren't worried as much about the poor people. Also this suggests that the killings may have been in hard to reach places for the police. Source B mentions the 'anatomical skill and knowledge' required to carry out such murders. Maybe such a man could also have enough knowledge to be able to out wit the police. Source F, the leaflet is another reminder of the police effort to stop the Ripper getting away, but it could also have let the Ripper know of the police involvement too much.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Explain the Role of the First World War in the Decline and Fall of the Romanov Dynasty
Explain the role of the First World War in the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty The role of the first world in the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty has been contended debated. Russia’s lack of resources and preparation can be seen to attribute to the fall of the dynasty as lack of items such as bread and coal ked to contention amongst Russia’s people. Also contributing was Tsar Nicholas II’s lack of military experience and ability to use military force to crush the civilian protests that were occurring in Petrograd, Russia’s capital city. The generals of the military along with the Duma used the protests to their advantage to force the abdication of the Tsar and strengthen Russia’s’ war effort. However, Russia’s turbulent past of political and social turmoil also contributed to the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty. The lack of preparation on Russia’s behalf before the First World War began was an integral factor leading to the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty. For a war on a large scale, that being the First World War Russia’s lack of preparation severely crippled its efforts in the war with as many of 1 million of its soldiers departing for the eastern front without necessities such as Rifles or boots. In the circumstances when soldiers were equipped with weapons they were often stuck without the necessary ammunition to fire them, this would foreshadow the humiliating losses Russia would suffer in the months to come with battles such as Tannenburg costing the Russian army as many as 230,000 dead soldiers and many more captured by the forces of the Kaiser. Russia’s second army under the command of General Rennenkampf executed a retreat after the demise of the other half of Russian forces and whilst this was skilful 1. million men met death on the eastern front, if not from the enemy then the crippling lack of food and starvation that faced most soldiers of the Russian army. The news of these defeats did not fall on deaf ears back in the cities of Russia causing great discontent amongst the proletariat and intelligentsia alike, Russia already had a poor war records with a humiliation during the Crimean war at the hands of the Turkish and the recent Russo-Japanese war in 1905 b oth disgraceful defeats on Russia’s behalf. With news now that these losses were being bettered on the eastern front it caused a questioning of Russia’s autocracy, the Dynasty of the Romanov family. The liberal school of thought on the fall of the Romanovs greatly highlights the significance of the First World War on the fall of the autocracy and believe if the war was averted so to would be the fall of the Romanovs. Therefore it can be safely asserted that the liberal school of thought elucidates that the lack of preparation by Russia in response to the First World War contributed greatly to the eclectic nature of the Romanov Dynasty and its eventual decline and fall. The lack of military experience by Tsar Nicholas II as well as the disobedience of the Russian military is more or less of significant importance to the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty. From an early age Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov was not groomed to be a traditional Tsar, his father Alexander III saw his son as a weak link to the Dynasty and unfit to rule because of his weak personality and mind, those of the liberal school of thought agree entirely with this stating â€Å"the weakness in the character of Nicholas†¦ ontributing to the fall of the Romanov Dynasty. †With little to no training in being the supreme autocrat of Russia it is a wonder that Tsar Nicholas thought it wise to personally take the role of the commader in chief with no military experience as well, for the Russian people this was a risky move seeing as how the last war Nicholas had spear-headed led to a loss of hundreds of kilometres of trans-siberian railway and the colony of Korea in the R usso-Japanese war. Thus upon the start of the First World War despite a surge of patriotism from the Russian people when the Russian Army performed consistently badly Tsar Nicholas was seen to be the cause. Already being investigated as a potential spy due to his marriage to the tsarina who hailed from Germany , the poor performance of Russia during the World War which was under Tsar Nicholas’ command is seen by the Liberal School as crippling to the intergrity and upkeep of Russias’ Autocracy and the Dynasty of the Romanov Family. Worse still was Nicholas’ leadership of Russia during the time of the war, being unable to disband civilian riots in the capital of Petrograd and by refusing offers from the Duma at first during the February/March revolution secured his abdication which was forced upon him by the military and the Duma cementing the lack of loyalty Nicholas’ cabinet had to him as a result of his poor leadership and military inexperience, which can be attributed to the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty. Furthermore the civilian protests in Russia as a reaction to the catalyst of the First World War were yet another reason as to the fall of the Romanov Family and their dynasty. Russias history of disgruntled peasants and proletariat provides a bleak foreshadow to the reaction the general public had towards the poor performance Russia turned in during the First World War and the lack of necessities such as food and coal that they had to fore-go due to poor preparation. It cannot be denied the crucial role that civilian riots had in the fall of the Romanov Dynasty, these riots can be traced to the 23rd of February 1917 as an English woman named Sybil Grey described the riots start as â€Å"a poor woman entered a bread shop†¦ and asked for bread. She was told there was none. On leaving the shop, seeing bread in the window she broke the window and took it. This simple act of taking bread was the turning point in civilian protests and the birth itself of the Russian Revolution, soon the streets of Petrograd were littered with protestors and the Duma refused the Tsar’s orders to disband the protests via the military, many of whom defected to the protestors to avoid being sent to the Eastern front. The food supplies in most cities were dire and the Russian economy was inflated to the point that most farmers refused to sell their wares in exchange for money. Prominent Russian industry such as the Pulitov Steelworks also closed due to a lack of finance and raw materials meaning 90,000 proletariat now had no jobs and no direction in society, which inevitably leads to protesting. Therefore it can be easily drawn that the protests that occurred with the civilians in Russia played an integral role in the decline and fall of teh Romanov Dynasty. Moreover Russia’s parliament, the Duma in conjunction with the Russian military officials many of whom were related to Tsar Nicholas himself used the First World War as a medium to force the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and attempt to govern Russia as a democracy. After the events of bloody Sunday in 1905 Tsar Nicholas II faced a dilemma, millions of Russians crying for change and challenging his power and the power of the autocracy. It was in these circumstances the ‘October Manifesto’ was issued to the people in hopes of tying down threats of insurrection amongst the people, the manifesto granted Russia a parliament that was so closely linked with the Tsar it had no purpose essentially. However, during the failures that followed Nicholas in the First World War the Duma was essentially in power in the capital city of Petrograd with the Tsar stranded at a military base in Tsarkoe Selo, finally reaching the peak of insurrection the Duma with the support of the Tsar’s trusted generals established a provisional government that attempted to repair the damage the war and Nicholas had caused. To the tsar this was an ct of insubordination and military force was demanded to shut the Duma down, this was not the case. The military had lost faith in Nicholas, fearing he was disadvantaging Russia in their efforts against germany, it was then clear what must be done; under desperation from the war and the people the Duma and the military requested Tsar Nicholas abdicate his power from the throne, in its stead would be a government running on elections in replica of England. Another role the Duma played was their facilitation in the civilian riots occurring with some Cossacks, guards supposedly loyal to the tsar assuring protestors â€Å"don’t worry we won’t shoot you†and the guard of the royal family abandoning their posts. The quintessential role then of the Duma and Military as a result of the first world war in the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty cannot be denied. However, when studying the decline and fall of the Romanov dynasty other schools of thought have differing opinions as to the significance of the War in the fall of the Romanovs. The revisionist school argues that the pre-existing and unresolved issues of Russia’s past greatly contributed to the decline and fall of the Romanov dynasty. Historian Sheila Fitzpatrick believes that even prior to the war Russia was in an unstable place, both socially and politically as she states â€Å"The autocracy’s situation was precarious on the eve of the First World War. Issues such as the massacre of bloody Sunday were still contemporary issues for the Tsar and the autocracy, with labels such as ‘Bloody Nicholas’ becoming household names, the activities of various revolutionary groups such as Vladimir Lenin’s Bolshevik party and the opposing Mensheviks of Leon Trotsky whilst fore-runners for change in Russian society both set a precarious scene during 20th century Russia, often trying to ignite crowds or events into protests or revolutions. These often took the form of Assassinations with targets including Prime Minister Petr Stolypin often upsetting the established order and descending society into complete chaos. It can be seen then that the revisionists make a strong argument as to why the Romanovs would have fallen even in the absence of the First World War. The contention does not rest there though, the living conditions of a vast majority of Russian society was also believed to be a contributing factor as to the decline and fall of the Romanovs, during the industrial revolution the conditions faced by the new class; ‘the proletariat’ or workers were seen to be inhumane, they were cramped into mall living areas, malnourished, exposed to dangerous work, shot at and payed incredibly poor amounts of money to ensure this cycle continued, they also made up over 90% of Russia’s population. It is easy to see then that a large amount of society exposed to these conditions for the betterment of others would eventually lead to a revolution en mass which is what revisionists, amongst other things believe would have been equally if not more significant than the First World War in the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty. All in all despite contention the role of the First World War in the decline and fall of the Romanov Dynasty can be seen as pivotal to some as Russia’s lack of preparation, poor leadership, riots and leaders were all influenced by the great war but is debated amongst others due to other factors such as; conditions faced by the working class, the autcracys weakened position and revolutionary groups.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Behavior & Teams
The reading made me realize that group and teams alike have their own purposes. However, I could not help but notice that teams have more advantages as compared to a group. I believe that every teams starts out as a group and after some time they would then on develop into a team. Being a team is necessary if one needs to truly develop and flourish.I realized that people or organizations would have better use of a team than a group especially since in a team there could be no room for someone who does not wish to participate (in contrast to a group wherein a person could just sit around doing nothing at all).The reading also made me realize that in an organization there is both a team and a group. The group should do everything in their power to develop themselves into a team. In a group the individual importance of a person is minimized since Person A could still do Person B’s job even if Person B does not appear in a meeting. In contrast, a team could not operate without one of their members since a team was developed based on their own personal expertise which in turn could better ensure their success.The presence of dependence and independence makes a team something far better and more useful in an organization especially since in a team everyone could meet in the middle and discuss their own ideas which one could not do in a group since only one person has the power to decide (the leader). The reading also made me realize the importance of sensing the needs of others. In professional situations, sensing is very important so that one would be able to gauge the needs of the teams and resolve the conflicts in the process.After sensing what the problems or the issues may be I should then move on to diagnose what is to be done to resolve the issue and I could better do that by opening the issues in the team. By doing a constructive criticism or the like each member of the team could then move on to contribute what is to be done to better the team’ s position. We could also tell each other where one went wrong in order to ascertain that such things would never happen again.This is one of the most successful plans there could be in ensuring the harmony in a team which could address everyone’s need. References: Mackin, D. (2007). The Difference Between A Team And A Group [Electronic Version] from http://www. sideroad. com/Team_Building/difference-between-team-and-group. html. Williams, N. (2000). The Top 10 Key Differences Between a Team of Individuals and a Group of Individuals [Electronic Version] from http://topten. org/public/AE/AE244. html.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Influences On My Art in 2190 essays
Influences On My Art in 2190 essays Artists in this century have a long and rich, and problematic heritage on which to draw. As an artist I have been influenced by others before me and by the world around me. The technology that has been introduced into art is both a problem and a challenge for artists as it changes the meaning of what art is and could be. World events, the fourth world war and the failure of science and reason as the main tools of modern thought - all these factors have influenced and inspired me in the way I practice and One of the most important revelations that have inspired my work is the non-dualistic artistic school, which has recently come into prominence. It is not well-known that this movement had its origins hundreds of years ago in the early twentieth century. Possibly the greatest influence on myself and many other artists has been the radical changes in the political and philosophical structures of the modern world. I refer particularly to the reaction to the new world order after world amalgamation. My earliest influences, which still inspire me today, are old- fashioned, even primitive artists. This did not endear me to the techno- wizards and virtual art simulators of our time. However, I was impressed with the early twentieth century artists like Picasso and Braque and by the surrealists like Max Ernst. Although their methods were by our standards somewhat primitive, their work laid the foundations for our modern These artists were the first to move away from art as representation and follow, intuitively then, a feeling that art was more than just decoration or social comment. They instinctively showed through their work that they felt that art was a form of thinking and an evolution in human consciousness. Artists like Max Ernst are only now being understood in his u...
Monday, October 21, 2019
AP Literature Reading List 127 Great Books for Your Prep
AP Literature Reading List 127 Great Books for Your Prep SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips A lot of students wonder if there’s a specific AP English reading list of books they should be reading to succeed on the AP Literature and Composition exam. While there’s not an official College-Board AP reading list, there are books that will be more useful for you to read than others as you prepare for the exam. In this article, I’ll break down why you need to read books to prepare, how many you should plan on reading, and what you should read- including poetry. Why Do You Need to Read Books for the AP Literature Test? This might seem like kind of an obvious question- you need to read books because it’s a literature exam! But actually, there are three specific reasons why you need to read novels, poems, and plays in preparation for the AP Lit Test. To Increase Your Familiarity With Different Eras and Genres of Literature Reading a diverse array of novels, poetry and plays from different eras and genres will help you be familiar with the language that appears in the various passages on the AP Lit exam’s multiple choice and essay sections. If you read primarily modern works, for example, you may stumble through analyzing a Shakespeare sonnet. So, having a basic familiarity level with the language of a broad variety of literary works will help keep you from floundering in confusion on test day because you’re seeing a work unlike anything you’ve ever read. To Improve Your Close-Reading Skills You’ll also want to read to improve your close-reading and rhetorical analysis skills. When you do read, really engage with the text: think about what the author’s doing to construct the novel/poem/play/etc., what literary techniques and motifs are being deployed, and what major themes are at play. You don’t necessarily need to drill down to the same degree on every text, but you should always be thinking, â€Å"Why did the author write this piece this way?†For the Student Choice Free-Response Question Perhaps the most critical piece in reading to prepare for the AP Lit test, however, is for the student choice free-response question. For the third question on the second exam section, you’ll be asked to examine how a specific theme works in one novel or play that you choose. The College Board does provide an example list of works, but you can choose any work you like just so long as it has adequate â€Å"literary merit.†However, you need to be closely familiar with more than one work so that you can be prepared for whatever theme the College Board throws at you! Want to get a perfect 5 on your AP exam and an A in class? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. Note: Not an effective reading method. How Many Books Do You Need to Read for the AP Exam? That depends. In terms of reading to increase your familiarity with literature from different eras and genres and to improve your close-reading skills, the more books you have time to read, the better. You’ll want to read them all with an eye for comprehension and basic analysis, but you don’t necessarily need to focus equally on every book you read. For the purposes of the student choice question, however, you’ll want to read books more closely, so that you could write a detailed, convincing analytical essay about any of their themes. So you should know the plot, characters, themes, and major literary devices or motifs used inside and out. Since you won’t know what theme you’ll be asked to write about in advance, you’ll need to be prepared to write a student choice question on more than just one book. Of the books you read for prep both in and out of class, choose four to five books that are thematically diverse to learn especially well in preparation for the exam. You may want to read these more than once, and you certainly want to take detailed notes on everything that’s going on in those books to help you remember key points and themes. Discussing them with a friend or mentor who has also read the book will help you generate ideas on what’s most interesting or intriguing about the work and how its themes operate in the text. You may be doing some of these activities anyways for books you are assigned to read for class, and those books might be solid choices if you want to be as efficient as possible. Books you write essays about for school are also great choices to include in your four to five book stable since you will be becoming super-familiar with them for the writing you do in class anyways. In answer to the question, then, of how many books you need to read for the AP Lit exam: you need to know four to five inside and out, and beyond that, the more the better! Know the books. Love the books. What Books Do You Need to Read for the AP Exam? The most important thing for the student choice free-response question is that the work you select needs to have â€Å"literary merit.†What does this mean? In the context of the College Board, this means you should stick with works of literary fiction. So in general, avoid mysteries, fantasies, romance novels, and so on. If you’re looking for ideas, authors and works that have won prestigious prizes like the Pulitzer, Man Booker, the National Book Award, and so on are good choices. Anything you read specifically for your AP literature class is a good choice, too. If you aren’t sure if a particular work has the kind of literary merit the College Board is looking for, ask your AP teacher. When creating your own AP Literature reading list for the student choice free-response, try to pick works that are diverse in author, setting, genre, and theme. This will maximize your ability to comprehensively answer a student choice question about pretty much anything with one of the works you’ve focused on. So, I might, for example, choose: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare, play, 1605 Major themes and devices: magic, dreams, transformation, foolishness, man vs. woman, play-within-a-play Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte, novel, 1847 Major themes and devices: destructive love, exile, social and economic class, suffering and passion, vengeance and violence, unreliable narrator, frame narrative, family dysfunction, intergenerational narratives. The Age of Innocence, Edith Wharton, novel, 1920 Major themes and devices: Tradition and duty, personal freedom, hypocrisy, irony, social class, family, â€Å"maintaining appearances†, honor Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys, novel, 1966 Major themes and devices: slavery, race, magic, madness, wildness, civilization vs. chaos, imperialism, gender As you can see, while there is some thematic overlap in my chosen works, they also cover a broad swathe of themes. They are also all very different in style (although you’ll just have to take my word on that one unless you go look at all of them yourself), and they span a range of time periods and genres as well. However, while there’s not necessarily a specific, mandated AP Literature reading list, there are books that come up again and again on the suggestion lists for student choice free-response questions. When a book comes up over and over again on exams, this suggests both that it’s thematically rich, so you can use it to answer lots of different kinds of questions, and that the College Board sees a lot of value in the work. To that end, I’ve assembled a list, separated by time period, of all the books that have appeared on the suggested works list for student choice free-response questions at least twice since 2003. While you certainly shouldn’t be aiming to read all of these books (there’s way too many for that!), these are all solid choices for the student choice essay. Other books by authors from this list are also going to be strong choices. It’s likely that some of your class reading will overlap with this list, too. I’ve divided up the works into chunks by time period. In addition to title, each entry includes the author, whether the work is a novel, play, or something else, and when it was first published or performed. Works are alphabetical by author. Warning: Not all works pictured included in AP Literature reading list below. Ancient Works Title Author Genre Date Medea Euripides play 431 BC The Odyssey Homer epic poem (no date) Antigone Sophocles play 441 BC Oedipus Rex Sophocles play 429 BC 1500-1799 Title Author Genre Date Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes novel 1605 Tom Jones Henry Fielding novel 1749 As You Like It Shakespeare play 1623 Julius Caesar Shakespeare play 1599 King Lear Shakespeare play 1606 A Midsummer Night’s Dream Shakespeare play 1605 The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare play 1605 Othello Shakespeare play 1604 The Tempest Shakespeare play 16 Candide Voltaire novel 1759 1800-1899 Title Author Genre Date Emma Jane Austen novel 1815 Mansfield Park Jane Austen novel 1814 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen novel 1813 Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte novel 1847 Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte novel 1847 The Awakening Kate Chopin novel 1899 The Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane novel 1895 Bleak House Charles Dickens novel 1853 David Copperfield Charles Dickens novel 1850 Great Expectations Charles Dickens novel 1861 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens novel 1837 A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens novel 1859 Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoyevsky novel 1866 Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert novel 1856 Jude the Obscure Thomas Hardy novel 1895 The Mayor of Casterbridge Thomas Hardy novel 1886 Tess of the d’Urbervilles Thomas Hardy novel 1891 The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne novel 1850 A Doll’s House Henrik Ibsen play 1879 The American Henry James novel 1877 The Portrait of a Lady Henry James novel 1881 Moby-Dick Herman Melville novel 1851 Frankenstein Mary Shelley novel 1818 Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy novel 1877 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain novel 1885 The Queen of AP Literature surveys her kingdom. 1900-1939 Title Author Genre Date My ntonia Willa Cather novel 1918 The Cherry Orchard Anton Chekhov play 1904 Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad novel 1902 Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser novel 1900 Murder in the Cathedral T.S. Eliot play 1935 Absalom, Absalom! William Faulkner novel 1936 As I Lay Dying William Faulkner novel 1930 Light in August William Faulkner novel 1932 The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner novel 1929 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald novel 1925 A Passage to India E.M. Forster novel 1924 The Little Foxes Lillian Hellman play 1939 Their Eyes Were Watching God Zora Neale Hurston novel 1937 Brave New World Aldous Huxley novel 1931 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce novel 1916 Billy Budd Herman Melville novel 1924 Major Barbara George Bernard Shaw play 1905 The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck novel 1939 The Age of Innocence Edith Wharton novel 1920 Ethan Frome Edith Wharton novel 19 The House of Mirth Edith Wharton novel 1905 Mrs. Dalloway Virginia Woolf novel 1925 1940-1969 Title Author Genre Date Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe novel 1958 Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Edward Albee play 1962 Another Country James Baldwin novel 1962 Waiting for Godot Samuel Beckett play 1953 The Plague Albert Camus novel 1947 Invisible Man Ralph Ellison novel 1952 Lord of the Flies William Golding novel 1954 A Raisin in the Sun Lorraine Hansberry play 1959 Catch-22 Joseph Heller novel 1961 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’ s Nest Ken Kesey novel 1962 A Separate Peace John Knowles novel 1959 To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee novel 1960 The Crucible Arthur Miller play 1953 Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller play 1949 House Made of Dawn N. Scott Momaday novel 1968 Wise Blood Flannery O’Connor novel 1952 1984 George Orwell novel 1949 Cry, the Beloved Country Alan Paton novel 1948 All the King’s Men Robert Penn Warren novel 1946 The Chosen Chaim Potok novel 1967 Wide Sargasso Sea Jean Rhys novel 1966 The Catcher in the Rye JD Salinger novel 1951 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Tom Stoppard play 1966 Cat’s Cradle Kurt Vonnegut novel 1963 The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams play 1945 A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams play 1947 Black Boy Richard Wright memoir 1945 Native Son Richard Wright novel 1940 Don't get trapped in a literature vortex! 1970-1989 Title Author Genre Date Bless Me, Ultima Rudolfo Anaya novel 1972 The House on Mango Street Sandra Cisneros novel 1984 â€Å"Master Harold†. . . and the boys Athol Fugard play 1982 M. Butterfly David Henry Hwang play 1988 A Prayer for Owen Meany John Irving novel 1989 The Woman Warrior Maxine Hong Kingston memoir 1976 Obasan Joy Kogawa novel 1981 Beloved Toni Morrison novel 1987 The Bluest Eye Toni Morrison novel 1970 Song of Solomon Toni Morrison novel 1977 Sula Toni Morrison novel 1973 Jasmine Bharati Mukherjee novel 1989 The Women of Brewster Place Gloria Naylor novel 1982 Going After Cacciato Tim O’Brien novel 1978 Equus Peter Shaffer play 1973 Ceremony Leslie Marmon Silko novel 1977 Sophie’s Choice William Styron novel 1979 The Color Purple Alice Walker novel 1982 Fences August Wilson play 1983 The Piano Lesson August Wilson play 1987 1990-Present Title Author Genre Date Reservation Blues Sherman Alexie novel 1995 The Blind Assassin Margaret Atwood novel 2000 Oryx and Crake Margaret Atwood novel 2003 The Memory Keeper’s Daughter Kim Edwards novel 2005 Cold Mountain Charles Frazier novel 1997 Snow Falling on Cedars David Guterson novel 1994 The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini novel 2003 A Thousand Splendid Suns Khaled Hosseini novel 2007 Never Let Me Go Kazuo Ishiguro novel 2005 The Poisonwood Bible Barbara Kingsolver novel 1998 The Namesake Jumpa Lahiri novel 2004 All the Pretty Horses Cormac McCarthy novel 1992 Atonement Ian McEwan novel 2001 Native Speaker Chang Rae-Lee novel 1995 The God of Small Things Arundhati Roy novel 1997 A Thousand Acres Jane Smiley novel 1991 The Bonesetter’s Daughter Amy Tan novel 2001 The Story of Edgar Sawtelle David Wroblewski novel 2008 Don't stay in one reading position for too long, or you'll end up like this guy. Want to get a perfect 5 on your AP exam and an A in class? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. An Addendum on Poetry You probably won’t be writing about poetry on your student choice essay- most just aren’t meaty enough in terms of action and character to merit a full-length essay on the themes when you don’t actually have the poem in front of you (a major exception being The Odyssey). That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be reading poetry, though! You should be reading a wide variety of poets from different eras to get comfortable with all the varieties of poetic language. This will make the poetry analysis essay and the multiple-choice questions about poetry much easier! See this list of poets compiled from the list given on page 14 of the AP Course and Exam Description for AP Lit, separated out by time period. For those poets who were working during more than one of the time periods sketched out below, I tried to place them in the era in which they were more active. I’ve placed an asterisk next to the most notable and important poets in the list; you should aim to read one or two poems by each of the starred poets to get familiar with a broad range of poetic styles and eras. 14th-17th Centuries Anne Bradstreet Geoffrey Chaucer John Donne George Herbert Ben Jonson Andrew Marvell John Milton William Shakespeare* 18th-19th Centuries William Blake* Robert Browning Samuel Taylor Coleridge* Emily Dickinson* Paul Laurence Dunbar George Gordon, Lord Byron Gerard Manley Hopkins John Keats* Edgar Allan Poe* Alexander Pope* Percy Bysshe Shelley* Alfred, Lord Tennyson* Walt Whitman* William Wordsworth* Early-Mid 20th Century W. H. Auden Elizabeth Bishop H. D. (Hilda Doolittle) T. S. Eliot* Robert Frost* Langston Hughes* Philip Larkin Robert Lowell Marianne Moore Sylvia Plath* Anne Sexton* Wallace Stevens William Carlos Williams William Butler Yeats* Late 20th Century-Present Edward Kamau Brathwaite Gwendolyn Brooks Lorna Dee Cervantes Lucille Clifton Billy Collins Rita Dove Joy Harjo Seamus Heaney Garrett Hongo Adrienne Rich Leslie Marmon Silko Cathy Song Derek Walcott Richard Wilbur You might rather burn books than read them after the exam, but please refrain. Key Takeaways Why do you need to read books to prepare for AP Lit? For three reasons: #1: To become familiar with a variety of literary eras and genres#2: To work on your close-reading skills#3: To become closely familiar with four-five works for the purposes of the student choice free-response essay analyzing a theme in a work of your choice. How many books do you need to read? Well, you definitely need to get very familiar with four-five for essay-writing purposes, and beyond that, the more the better! Which books should you read? Check out the AP English Literature reading list in this article to see works that have appeared on two or more â€Å"suggested works†lists on free-response prompts since 2003. And don’t forget to read some poetry too! See some College Board recommended poets listed in this article. What's Next? See my expert guide to the AP Literature test for more exam tips! The multiple-choice section of the AP Literature exam is a key part of your score. Learn everything you need to know about it in our complete guide to AP Lit multiple-choice questions. Taking other APs? Check out our expert guides to the AP Chemistry exam, AP US History, AP World History, AP Psychology, and AP Biology. Looking for other book recommendation lists from PrepScholar? We've compiled lists of the 7 books you must read if you're a pre-med and the 31 books to read before graduating high school. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Australia Law of North V Marra Developments Ltd †Free Samples
The leading case of North V Marra Developments Ltd (1981) was decided by the High Court of Australia on 9 th December 1981. The Hon’ble Stephen, Mason, Murphy, Aickin and Wilson JJ decided the case against the Appellant and in favor of the Respondant. As per the fact of the case, the Appellants are the member of a stock broking firm (Sydney Stock Exchange Ltd). The Appellants were initially trading in the name of NORTHS but are now considered as J. & J. NORTH. In 1954, Marra (Respondent) was incorporated as a public company. There were various rural properties that were acquired by Marra in 1974 in New South Wales. Its ninety three percent issued and paid up capital was held by 5 families. The shares of the company were listed on Sydney Stock Exchange. But, prior to 1974 the true value of the company assets were not depicted with the help of the balance sheets of the company or the market value of the assets. Considering with the situation, the Appellants in around December 1972-February 1974 submitted that there is a need that market capitalization of the asset must be done so that the true value of the Marra assets can be determined. There were three recommendations that were given by the Appellant and all the three were accepted by the Respondent. It is alleged by J. & J. NORTH that they have provided advisory services regarding the reorganization of the capital of Marra Developments Ltd. ("Marra") and advised on the takeover of Marra upon Scottish Australia Holdings Ltd. ("Scottish") and thus they are eligible for remunerations and the interest thereon from the Respondents. (Jade, 2017) Thus the main issue that was developed from the facts of the case was whether the Appellant is liable to claim the remuneration with interest from the Respondent. Now, because of the acts that are undertaken by the appellant and the Respondent, the major duty that was violated is submitted herein under. That the agreement amid the Appellant and the Respondent to carry out the scheme and the carrying out the scheme itself (of capitalization and takeover) are in violation of section 70 of the Securities Industry Act 1970 of New South Wales. The scheme itself and its conduct both are illegal in nature. (Armson, 2009) Because of the act, there is violation of section 1041A (Price Manipulation) and section 1041B of the Corporation Act 2001 (False Trading and Market Rigging). The main reason because of which the duties were considered to be violated are: The prices of the shares are increased by appellant involvement of buying the shares. The Appellant filed a case, however, the same is rejected by the Supreme Court of New South Wales. It is submitted but Meares J, that the argument of the defendant that the acts of the Appellant involves illegality is valid as the acts are in violation of section 70 of the Securities Industry Act 1970. The Appellant filed an appeal to the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal also dismissed the appeal of the appellant, Against the decisions of the Court of Appeal, the Appellant filed the present appeal. On 9 th December 1981 the Hon’ble Stephen, Mason, Murphy, Aickin and Wilson JJ submitted that the proposal which is recommended by the Appellant and which is later carried out by both the appellant and the defendant regarding the purchase/sale on the Stock Exchange in the Respondent is not found to be legal. It is decided that the agreement to carry out the scheme and the carrying out the scheme itself are in violation of section 70 of the Securities Industry Act 1970 of New South Wales. The scheme itself and its conduct both are illegal in nature. The court also held that the actions of the parties are not such which resulted in considering the same as conspiracy to deceive. Thus, the amount that is claimed by the Appellant cannot be recovered and the appeal stands dismissed. The High Court decided that the amount that is claimed by the Appellant cannot be recovered and the appeal stands dismissed. The main reasons that are attributed by the High Court which form the basis of the decision is submitted below and is critically analyzed: (O'Connell, 2013) In the Corporation Act 2001, considering the observations that are made Mason J and the changes under the 1980 Act, few variations were made regarding the market rigging and the false market provisions. There were few amendments that were made to section 998 of the corporation Act 2001. Because of the above facts, it is submitted by Mason J that any activity which gave the market false or misleading appearance is prohibited under statue. The acts of the appellant were against the statutory prohibition and thus the actions were illegal so they are not permitted to take advantage of any statutory wrong; These actions of the appellant were not regarded as legal in concern with section 70 of the 1970 act (E.T. Fisher &Co. Pty. Ltd. v. English Scottish and Australian Bank Ltd. (1940). The actions of the Respondent with the help of the appellant which has resulted in enhancing the market price of the company of the respondent so that there is completion of takeover is an act which in contract to the provisions of section 70 of the Act. Thus, an illegal act cannot justify any benefits to be accrued in favor of the default. So, the appellant itself at fault cannot claim remuneration for an illegal act. The court held that the appeal of the appellant is not found to be favorable not because the agreement in which they are relying is in violation of section 70 but mainly because the actions in which they indulged into are itself illegal in nature. So, on those grounds it is decided by the High court that the appellant is not rightful in suing the Respondents and claim their remunerations on the basis that the acts in which they indulge into are itself illegal in nature. In the leading case there were series of observations that were made in relation to section 70 of the 1970 Act. Mainly the interpretation of the section signifies that there must be presence of some element in order for the application of the section. The law submitted by Majon J is now not applicable in the current law . however, based on the observations that are made by the Hon’ble Judhe there were changes that were brought in Securities Industry Act 1980 (Cth) (1980 Act). (O'Connell, 2013) In the Corporation Act 2001, considering the observations that are made Mason J and the changes under the 1980 Act, few variations were made regarding the market rigging and the false market provisions. There were few amendments that were made to section 998 of the corporation Act 2001. However, again the market rigging and the false trading provisions were amended by the Financial Services Reform Act 2001 (Cth). The main changes that are brought in are that civil penalty provisions are made under Part 9.4B which includes few misconduct provisions inclusive of market rigging and false trading in (section 1041B of the corporation Act 2001) This change has reflect a doubt that it is very troublesome and expensive for the law to be applied by applying criminal standard of proof and it is more efficient and appropriate to apply the civil sanctions. Thus, now civil case can be brought which is based on the violation of section 1041B (1) by complying with civil standards of the balance of probabilities and there is no need for the establishment of any kind of fault or intention. Now if there is violation of section 1041 B (1) then a liability of @ $200,000 be imposed to an individual and @ $1 million for a body corporate. Thus, the leading case of North V Marra Developments Ltd and with the current reforms that are brought in then there is no need for the establishment of any kind of fault or intention. Ann O'Connell (2013) Protecting the Integrity of Securities Markets  What is an ‘Artificial Price’?: DPP (Cth) v JM, Melbourne Law School. Emma Armson (2009) False Trading and Market Rigging in Australia, Corporate Law Teachers Association Conference, ANU College of Law. E.T. Fisher &Co. Pty. Ltd. v. English Scottish and Australian Bank Ltd. (1940) 64 CLR 84 North V Marra Developments Ltd (1981). Scott v. Brown, Doering, McNab &Co. (1892) 2 QB 724 Jade (2017) North V Marra Developments Ltd (1981) (Online). Available at: Accessed on 1st October 2017. Looking for an answer 'who will do my essay for cheap',
Friday, October 18, 2019
UK, USA and UAE Cybercrime Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
UK, USA and UAE Cybercrime Law - Essay Example To this effect, communication, business and financial transactions, international trading, storage and distribution of private and public records and even the dispensation of employment duties are exacted online, in these states. Nevertheless, given the high financial and security stakes that have come to stalk the Internet, cybercrime has become increasingly common and complex. To this effect, high-tech cyber based crimes such as terrorism, computer intrusions, espionage, identity theft, child pornography and fraud have become a major concern to the US and the UK. For this reason, the US and the UK have made legislation to counter and extirpate cybercrime, albeit these laws have their strong and weak points. This study aims to spot the light uponthe major cyber attacks, and associated threats in the UAE, US and UK and makes SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats) analysis of the current cyber crime laws and suggests approaches and mechanisms needed to improve the effe ctiveness of the cyber act. INTRODUCTION The phrase Cybercrime refers to any legally proscribed action that is performed over the Internet, a local network or the computer or any other device that can support the Internet, a local network or function of a computer. ... Because of this, it becomes clear that the concept of cybercrime and laws on cybercrime are state-specific. The leaps in the communication and information technology have promoted new technological trends like the internet spread, social networks, cloud computing, and VOIP like never happened before. The introduction of information technology solutions including e-commerce solutions, social networks, and on-line banking solutions has opened the door widely to the growing number of cyber terrorism threats and cyber attacks. Despite the rise of the cyber crime rates in UAE, the shortcomings in development of cyber crime laws and legislative provisions that regulate the up-mentioned technologies usage are huge.According to recent survey conducted by Norton, Bulent Teksoz, Chief Security Strategist, Norton outlines the total cost of cyber crime in the UAE - found to be $626m per year(Teksoz, 2010).Hence, the need to initiate a nation-wide act to counter the cyber crime, either on the nat ional and cross-border levels,arises. The state-specific nature of cybercrime in turn brings about an aspect of variance and makes it possible to identify the pros and cons and strengths and weaknesses of these cybercrime laws, as shall be seen forthwith, in the cases of the US and the UK. Meanwhile, Trend Micro published a study in 2009, which reported the number of computer system crashesin the UAE as a result of cyber attacks reached 248,000, accounting for 20 percent of the total cases in the GCC countries(Ajbaili, 2009).Few countries in the region, such as; UAE, and Saudi Arabia, have drawn up cyber laws in an attempt to fight the cyber crimes (Bednarski, Chen, Chen,
Developing Appropriate Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Developing Appropriate Training - Essay Example The importance of training in modern organizational setup can be realized from the fact that all the organizations, whether small or large, allocate a considerable percentage of their annual budget for the purpose of training and development, realizing its contribution in making their business processes more effective and efficient. As the scenario indicates, the staff working in the organization keeps on ignoring the instructions given by Jim Delaney, the president of Apex Doors. They always try to do the task their own way and ignore their president's instructions that aim to make the business processes more effective and efficient. As a result of this, the organization has to face a number of problems. The first one as highlighted by this scenario is the non synchronous working. This also results in the development of the product different from the one desired. Moreover, failing to follow the guidelines of design department, an additional cost on each unit produced is also an additional burden to the organization, reducing their profit margin. The scenario further reveals that there are a number of loopholes in the training process of the organization. For example, the job descriptions are, in most cases, missing, the training manuals simply do not exist, there are no formal procedures of training the new inductees etc. ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEM After a thorough analysis of the situation, the main problem that is identified is lack of proper training. The proper training processes in the organizations should be organized in order to bridge the gap between what the President wants his staff to do and what the staff currently does. What actually Jim wants in this case is to impart the organizational culture and the best practices of the organization to the staff of the organization, especially the new inductees, so that a consistency can be ensures across all the departments, across different periods of time and regardless of the fact that who is working and who is leaving. The training will therefore help in achieving these objectives. Although, there does exist a so-called 'training' system in the organization, yet it is not very effective on account of its number of weaknesses. First of all: There are no training manuals The process of handing over is not so well No fixed procedure for the training of the new Inductees No Job Description available OVERVIEW OF INTERVENTION The recommended solution to this problem is as follows: Introduce a formal and organized training program for new inductees, which every new inductee should undergo. Develop a training manual for each of the designation Provide separate skill-based training to all the employees, according to their jobs Provide a combined training related to the specific organizational culture of the organization. Develop a job description which also clearly states the relation of their task to other departments Introduce the concepts of knowledge management. This means that the best practices should remain in the organization, even if the practitioner of those best practices leaves the organization. This can be done by storing those best practi
Organizational Change And Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Organizational Change And Development - Essay Example Different perspectives on organizational changes According to Grieves (2010), â€Å"The phrase change intervention refers to change actions taken at strategic level to help an organization become more effective†(Grieves, 2010, p.7). Competition is growing day by day because of various reasons and it is necessary for the organizations to device new methods to counter competition. An organization which fails to implement adequate changes in its structure and functioning may struggle to survive in this heavily competitive and highly advanced organizational world. For example Nokia was the leader in the Mobile phone market up to a couple of years before. However, they are not so at present because of the intrusion of smartphones from Apple, Samsung etc. In other words, Nokia failed to implement timely changes in its product ranges and as a result of that they lost considerable market share in mobile phone market. It should be noted that even in normal situation, goal conflict exi sts between firm (owners) and its employees, but the magnitude and intensity of this conflict is very low and so it is hidden, we call this ‘goal difference’, and both parties (firm & employees) accept each other’s goals. In a strategic and major change program, firms alter their goals, which result in shifting and increasing their focus towards new goals. The shift in focus and increased commitment of firm towards attaining its new goals, increase the magnitude and intensity of goal conflict and it become very difficult for both parties to accept each other’s goals (Khan and Rehman, n. d) The interests of the organization and that of the employees are always travelling in opposite directions. Employees want to reduce their workloads as much as possible whereas the... This report stresses that periodical changes are necessary for the organizations to survive in an ever changing market. Structural, functional, developmental, transitional and transformational changes are necessary for the organizations to cater the needs of the changing business world. Many of the traditional business and organizational principles are no longer effective under the current system of business. Because of the huge advancements in science and technology and the subsequent developments in human life, the needs of the needs of the current generation are entirely different from that of the generations in the past. Only those companies which are able to cater the needs of the present generation may survive in the market. In short, organizational changes are unavoidable for an organization which tries to stay in the present heavily globalized market. This essay makes a conclusion that values and valorizations are important terms in the corporate world at present because of the increasing awareness about the public about sustainable business practices. It is impossible for a current organization to exploit community resources as much as possible and provide nothing in return to the communities. Current generation knows the importance of protecting our environment and they deals only with the companies which have good track record of exhibiting social responsibility.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
A Soldier's Home by Ernest Hemmingway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A Soldier's Home by Ernest Hemmingway - Essay Example There are many different aspects in the story, as in its various use of comparisons from the view point of the narration of the main character, thus, creating a rather interesting transition in how I followed the relationship of the character to the settings involved in the story. Furthermore, I found that, the notion of having the main character clash with a variety of real issues was highly effective in harnessing the reality felt in the story, such as, in the encounter with the choices he makes concerning the values of sociality, sexuality, individuality and family. The opening of the story is especially interesting in my opinion, as it creates an immediate image in the compare and contrast of the two worlds involved around Krebs, which exposes us to his diverse social standards. These descriptions represent a vital point in the course of the story, as stated: â€Å"these snapshots introduce the double backdrop against which Harold Krebs’s story will unfold, and they prefigure the antagonism that will direct its narrative†(Baerdemaeker 56). In the first image, â€Å"There is a picture which shows him among his fraternity brothers†(Hemingway 111). In my opinion this picture portrays Krebs as a traditional American student who is full of masculine pride in the bonding of his fraternity brothers, but I felt that he was unsure of his identity as a man, for Hemmingway states that â€Å"He enlisted in the marines†(111) making this decision his choice only. Moreover, in the second image, â€Å"There is a picture which s hows him on the Rhine with two German girls and another corporeal†(Hemingway 111). This in my opinion was a rather interesting transition from Krebs’s education background to the militant background, which now consist of social norms involving politics and sexuality. As I read â€Å"Soldier’s Home†I felt a profound distinction in Krebs, in conjunction with the indifferences to the people in his home town, as to seem as if his decision to
Application Letter, Resume, Follow Up Letter Essay
Application Letter, Resume, Follow Up Letter - Essay Example I also possess skills in mentoring and counseling through the long years of social service activities in the Girls Scout movement. I have over 5 years of work experience in customer care and frontline operations in banking and other field of business and possess excellent interpersonal and communications skills, which I have developed and sharpened during my career. I am positive that my extrovert personality with commitment for excellence will allow me to integrate well in to the Titans culture which is known to be a community designed by employees who expect to achieve excellence. Enclosed herewith is a brief resume of my work experience and educational background. Personal bio data with reference contacts can be provided upon request. I am most keen in receiving a positive feedback for my application and look forward to hearing from you. First of all, I would like to express my appreciation for the job interview that was granted to me upon reviewing my application for the post of Human Resources Manager. I am delighted to hear of being selected for the position and wish to thank you for the attractive offer of employment made. I am available for taking up the new position on immediate basis upon my confirmation of accepting the offer. However, I would like to request for a period of one week from today, to confirm my acceptance of the job offer. As mentioned in the interview, I have applied for similar positions in two other companies and both are based in my home state, Maryland. The two firms have indicated that they will be notifying me of their decision not later than 20th of November and therefore, I would like to await their decision prior to accepting the offer from Titan Corporation. I must however express clearly, my enthusiasm of joining your firm, which offers a unique opportunity in terms of the specialized nature of business in which the firm operates as well as the prospects of serving the human resource
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Organizational Change And Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Organizational Change And Development - Essay Example Different perspectives on organizational changes According to Grieves (2010), â€Å"The phrase change intervention refers to change actions taken at strategic level to help an organization become more effective†(Grieves, 2010, p.7). Competition is growing day by day because of various reasons and it is necessary for the organizations to device new methods to counter competition. An organization which fails to implement adequate changes in its structure and functioning may struggle to survive in this heavily competitive and highly advanced organizational world. For example Nokia was the leader in the Mobile phone market up to a couple of years before. However, they are not so at present because of the intrusion of smartphones from Apple, Samsung etc. In other words, Nokia failed to implement timely changes in its product ranges and as a result of that they lost considerable market share in mobile phone market. It should be noted that even in normal situation, goal conflict exi sts between firm (owners) and its employees, but the magnitude and intensity of this conflict is very low and so it is hidden, we call this ‘goal difference’, and both parties (firm & employees) accept each other’s goals. In a strategic and major change program, firms alter their goals, which result in shifting and increasing their focus towards new goals. The shift in focus and increased commitment of firm towards attaining its new goals, increase the magnitude and intensity of goal conflict and it become very difficult for both parties to accept each other’s goals (Khan and Rehman, n. d) The interests of the organization and that of the employees are always travelling in opposite directions. Employees want to reduce their workloads as much as possible whereas the... This report stresses that periodical changes are necessary for the organizations to survive in an ever changing market. Structural, functional, developmental, transitional and transformational changes are necessary for the organizations to cater the needs of the changing business world. Many of the traditional business and organizational principles are no longer effective under the current system of business. Because of the huge advancements in science and technology and the subsequent developments in human life, the needs of the needs of the current generation are entirely different from that of the generations in the past. Only those companies which are able to cater the needs of the present generation may survive in the market. In short, organizational changes are unavoidable for an organization which tries to stay in the present heavily globalized market. This essay makes a conclusion that values and valorizations are important terms in the corporate world at present because of the increasing awareness about the public about sustainable business practices. It is impossible for a current organization to exploit community resources as much as possible and provide nothing in return to the communities. Current generation knows the importance of protecting our environment and they deals only with the companies which have good track record of exhibiting social responsibility.
Application Letter, Resume, Follow Up Letter Essay
Application Letter, Resume, Follow Up Letter - Essay Example I also possess skills in mentoring and counseling through the long years of social service activities in the Girls Scout movement. I have over 5 years of work experience in customer care and frontline operations in banking and other field of business and possess excellent interpersonal and communications skills, which I have developed and sharpened during my career. I am positive that my extrovert personality with commitment for excellence will allow me to integrate well in to the Titans culture which is known to be a community designed by employees who expect to achieve excellence. Enclosed herewith is a brief resume of my work experience and educational background. Personal bio data with reference contacts can be provided upon request. I am most keen in receiving a positive feedback for my application and look forward to hearing from you. First of all, I would like to express my appreciation for the job interview that was granted to me upon reviewing my application for the post of Human Resources Manager. I am delighted to hear of being selected for the position and wish to thank you for the attractive offer of employment made. I am available for taking up the new position on immediate basis upon my confirmation of accepting the offer. However, I would like to request for a period of one week from today, to confirm my acceptance of the job offer. As mentioned in the interview, I have applied for similar positions in two other companies and both are based in my home state, Maryland. The two firms have indicated that they will be notifying me of their decision not later than 20th of November and therefore, I would like to await their decision prior to accepting the offer from Titan Corporation. I must however express clearly, my enthusiasm of joining your firm, which offers a unique opportunity in terms of the specialized nature of business in which the firm operates as well as the prospects of serving the human resource
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Threats to customer data Essay Example for Free
Threats to customer data Essay A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without the permission or knowledge of the user. The term virus is also commonly but also used to refer to other types of malware, ad ware and spyware programs that do not have the ability to create itself again. A true virus can only spread from one computer to another when its host (some form of code) is taken to the target computer, for instance because a user sent it over a network or the Internet, or can increase their chances of spreading to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer. Viruses are sometimes confused with computer worms and Trojan horses which are like viruses but are technically different, in effect creating a damageable system to allow access to the users computer. A worm can spread itself to other computers without needing to be transferred from someone, Worms and Trojans, like viruses, can cause harm to a computer system, functional performance, or networking throughput, when they are made. Some viruses and other malwares are noticeable to the computer user, but most are not easy to find. This makes it hard for the average user to notice, find and disable and that is why specialist anti-virus programs are now made. Todays viruses may also take advantage of network services such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, Instant Messaging and file sharing systems to spread.  Getting an antivirus-viruses in the computer are detected by the antivirus and stopped and then removed, it also informs the users if they have entered any suspicious websites and tells us to avoid it or blocks us from it automatically. An antivirus completely removes viruses or other harmful soft wares which is also called malware in computing terms.  Not using the computer infected-if a computer has been infected by a virus, its not safe to continue using the same computer without completely reinstalling the operating system. There are still a number of recovery options that exist after a computer has a virus. These actions depend on severity of the type of virus. System Restore, which restores the computer and sensitive system files are removed and the computers status is back to what it was from when it was bought. Although you will lose all your files completely and will have reinstall everything. Ways to stop getting infected from virus  Run your virus scanner frequently. Hacking or Scamming is when some unauthorised person attempts to break into someones computer systems or accounts on someone elses website. Programmers for whom computing is its own reward; may enjoy the challenge of breaking into other computers but do no harm to anyone could be given another chance but if he hacks into someones system and takes their personal information or give them viruses he could be prosecuted if caught . There are many ways to stop hacking we can find out more information about hacking and what can help you to prevent from being hacked.  We should never give out personal information and never enter passwords to suspicious emails. The firewall will block out any unwanted spam and monitor whats attempting to get in our systems. Hacking or scamming percentages are rising but by knowing everything about them or how to prevent them we can reduce our chances of getting hacked. Prevent spywares to enter our system. Dont run unnecessary network services When installing systems, any non-essential features should be disabled. If a feature is installed but not actively used, it is less likely to be updated regularly, presenting a larger security threat. Also, allow only the softwares you need there because other softwares could give you many risks. Norton Internet Security is well known software which is secure and protects us from going on websites which arent safe. Implement a firewall A firewall is a kind of like a barrier that keeps hackers and viruses out of computer networks. Firewalls restrict network traffic and allow only authorized data to pass through and tell us if we have any risks also if we have our firewalls turned off it gives us warnings to turn it on. The threats can be stopped depending on just our actions for example, downloading files from unknown sites and poor habits of opening up strange email attachments and there are many other mistakes made by people which give more options to the hackers or make it easier for them to hack in.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Gender Discrimination in Saudi Arabia
Gender Discrimination in Saudi Arabia The issues of gender discrimination in Saudi Arabia seriously need to be alert to every woman out there. Public need to understand how vulnerable these Saudi Arabia women been living throughout their whole life and the misery they went through. There is no freedom for them. This happens because of the extremely conservation of religious culture. They are not just being retracted by the Islam law, also by the social norms and tradition. SECTION II THE ISSUES AND WHO ARE INVOVLED I have chosen to focus on prejudice and discrimination against women in Saudi Arabia and comparing it with Singapore. The reason why I have chosen this is because I realized in Saudi Arabia, women have a pitiful life. They have been categorized by men for over many decades. Men are being more prioritized over women in their country in terms of gender, education, society which I will be covering in this topic. There is no freedom of speech. Their life is being controlled by men. Hence there is a need to bring up this issue to everyone so that the discriminated gender in Saudi Arabia can be reduced and the womens quality of life can be improved. Women in Saudi Arabia are normally seen wearing dull colours veil, head covering and a full black cloak. They must cover the parts of their body except the eyes. The clothing must be thick and loose-fitting which will not interest male. The reason of dressing so is because no seduction is allowed to men. According to Saudi culture, womens employment place is at home whereas mans is at the workplace. Women are not allowed to neglect their responsibilities of house chores. A new report released by Human Right Watch (HRW), it state that Requirements that each female, regardless of age, be assigned a male guardian be it a father, a husband, or even a son who must give permission for their charges to do everything from travel abroad or locally to study, seek medical care, work and marry effectively deprives women of their most basic rights and makes their participation in public life far more difficult. (Jim Lobe, 2008 Apr 21) Also in the same article, One 40-year-old Saudi woman, who was divorced from her husband and whose father had died, who had to seek permission from her 23-year-old son to travel outside the kingdom (Jim Lobe, 2008, Apr 21) This is an extremely absurd information for any Singaporean women to believe if this act was to be implemented in Singapore. In normal situation in Singapore, it is usually the children be it of gender have to seek permission from parents to leave a country. However in Saudi Arabia, they are being based on gende r where men have all the authority over women. And in most cases, women are needed to be accompanied by a man on streets. It is extremely common to see women driving on the road in Singapore. Unlike Saudi Arabia, women are allowed to own a car but they are not given the rights to drive. Women can still own cars in Saudi Arabia, but they are banned from driving them. (Associated Press, July 5 2010) They are the only county that does not allow women to drive. In addition to such extend, Saudi Arabia women actually threaten to breastfeed their male colleagues or men that they often come in contact with. The reason why they will do so is because they think that by breastfeeding the men, it will create a symbolic maternal relation. Within the same article, it also stated that if the women give their drivers their breast milk, the chauffeurs would be able to mingle with all members of the family without having to worry about violating Islamic law. In both scenarios, women are at disadvantage because despite of breastfeeding those strangers, they are still not allowed to drive. But if they do so, it also means giving the chance for those strangers to associate with their family members without fears breaking the Islamic law. SECTION III WHY IS IT IMPORTENT FOR US TO TALK ABOUT IT? Women are often being seen as more inferior as compared to men in Saudi Arabia, especially where the lack of education further verifies this. Majority of the women are not allowed to attend school just because of gender. It affects the society as it does not give a good impression to other countries. Women in Saudi Arabia do not have any say in almost everything even basic human rights like receiving medical care or working. As stated in the first example, they must seek permission from their male guardian before doing so. They are also being forbidden from participating in political issues such as election. Giving men the authority over women could means a higher danger for them. An article stated that The power given to male guardians actually contributes to womens risk of abuse and family violence, according to the report. Even when guardians are found to be abusive against their charges, social workers, doctors, and lawyers who work on such cases told HRW that it was almost impossible for their guardianship to be dissolved or transferred. (Jim Lobe, 2008 Apr 21) As women are considered the substandard ones in the society, majority of them are not literate. The only jobs that are suitable for them are those that do not required any skills as such being a domestic worker. In the same article, it also added that Many migrant domestic workers, mostly women, were kept in highly abusive conditions, being made to work up to 18 hours every day, in some cases for little or no pay. Domestic workers have no protection under Saudi Arabian labour law and have little possibility in practice of obt aining redress against abusive or exploitative employers. The government said that a law against domestic violence was being drafted. (Amnesty International, 2009) In most situations, women can only bear with all the misery and feel so helpless regarding it. The rate of discrimination in Saudi Arabia is extremely high and need to be brought up to everyone. Women are not given a fair chance when it comes to employment. Women remained subordinate to men under family law, were denied equal employment opportunities with men, remained banned from driving vehicles or travelling alone (Amnesty International, 2009) Women tried to protest against the discrimination act that men put on them, however the way they protest has limited effect. Such as the incident of being banned from driving, women protest it by threatening to breastfeed the men. This behavior will never happen in Singapore because it is never practiced in here. One woman who was being interview by the Gulf News said Is this all that is left to us to do: to give our breasts to the foreign drivers? She commented this because she understand even such threaten will only put women at disadvantage. SECTION IV WHERE CAN WE START TO FIX PROBLEM? I believe equal rights exist for everyone regardless of age, gender. This inequality treatment women received is the society is causing women to protest. Although the International committee such as United Nation (UN) has already stepped into Saudi Arabia to help those women, nevertheless there is still much limitation they can do. There isnt much that can be done by outsiders as its my belief that sustainable change is only change that happens from within. (Eman Fahad Al Nafjan, 2010, September 9) In 2001, the UN has a Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Its purpose was to ask Saudi Arabia to take action to end discrimination against women in all forms. The convention oblige Saudi Arabia to pursue by all appropriate means and without delay a policy of eliminating discrimination against women, including any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field. (Human Rights Watch, 2009 July 8) However, this convection has little effect. The Saudi government sacrifices basic human rights to maintain male control over women. Saudi women wont make any progress until the government ends the abuses that stem from these misguided policies. (Jim Lobe, 2008 Apr 21) To end the misery of women, firstly the government have to start their part. The Islam law is the biggest factor causing the restrictions for women in the country. Men should stop being chauvinistic and mentality that they are superior, where women should be stay home, this mindset needs to be highlighted. Various actions done by the Amnesty International USA of helping these vulnerable women in Saudi Arabia was to create awareness to people all over the world about how are they being treated. They even urge readers to send in appeals to the Head of Election Committee and the Ministry of Interior to help these women. Write to the Head of the Election Committee and the Minister of Interior, calling for women in Saudi Arabia to be given their basic fundamental right to universal suffrage without delay. (Amnesty International USA, 2004 November)
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Rebirth Of American Musical Theatre Essay example -- essays resear
Two great writers of American musical theatre, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II, had one idea in common. They wanted to present to the American public a new and revolutionary musical that would stand out above the rest. They wanted to make an impact on the societies of the era. They wanted to be creative and do something that was considered rebellious. When they finally combined their ideas together they created an American masterpiece in musical theatre: Oklahoma!. It was the first Rodgers and Hammerstein collaboration, starting the most successful creative partnership in the history of American musical theatre. According to Joseph Swain in his book The Broadway Musical: A Critical and Musical Survey, there are a number of reasons why a particular work of art might be considered a milestone in the history in its genre. It might introduce innovations of technique and style so convincing that they may become extremely influential. It might attract such wide acclaim that it cannot be ignored by the artists who come after, even if the acclaimed fame eventually fades with time. It could stand as the first work of an important series. Or perhaps, it sets a new standard of artistry. (73) For whatever factors that influenced the writers to create the works they did, they produced some of the most successful and incredibly influential works of musical theatre in their time. In the years before Oklahoma! was created, Broadway was dying. New and refreshing musicals were a rare occasion and when an artist tried to create something that he hoped his audience would like, he was sadly disappointed. Broadway was suffering from a lack of what it was revered for: astounding plays and musicals. Its time of glamour and glitz was almost forgotten, and was in need of being saved. That is why Oklahoma! is considered a rebirth of the American musical theatre at the time. It brought Broadway back to life, filling theatre seats with enthusiastic audiences who embraced the changes of this new theatre musical with open arms and made it a legend. Oklahoma! set new standards for classic American theatre by introducing new techniques of presenting the musical to the audience, introducing a new genre of music into the theatre, and strayed away from the usual classic form and structure of a musical that audiences had grown used to. It was a time of change, a time of excitement ,... musical that riveted audiences and even continues to attract audiences all over the world to this day. Although Oklahoma! premiered some 40 years ago, and its style of music and dance have grown old with the passing of time, it still demands respect for its combination and imaginative ideas that revolutionized the musical industry at the time. Rodgers and Hammerstein were the dominate force in musical comedy in the 1940's and 50's. Even their flops had notable songs. Several of their shows became successful films. Oklahoma!'s importance in opening a new era in the American Musical Theatre will never be challenged. It has become an American classic that society will forever treasure for its beautiful integration of song and dance. Works Cited Bordman, Gerald. American Musical Comedy. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1986. ---. American Musical Theater: A Chronicle. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1986. Ewen, David. American Musical Theater. New York: Henry Holt, 1959. ---. The Story of America’s Musical Theater. New York: Chilton, 1968. Green, Stanley. The World of Musical Comedy. Washington, DC: Da Capo, 1980. Swain, Joseph P. The Broadway Musical: A Critical and Musical Survey. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1990.
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